When a Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend? Why/What To Do!

Just as you have male friends who love you on neutral grounds, there are others who have a thing for you but don’t know the right way to express it.

When a guy jokingly calls you his girlfriend, it is expected that you would have a thousand thoughts running through your mind because you can’t decipher what he actually meant by that.

I would say it is alright that you are seeking to know why he jokingly called you his girlfriend so as to gain clarification and know what your next move will be.

In this article, I’ll go over six possible reasons why he would jokingly call you his girlfriend and what you should do about it. Without further ado, let’s dive right in!

Six reasons why a guy will jokingly call you his girlfriend

Here is a list of the possible reasons why a guy will jointly call you his girlfriend.

Well, I would say it may not be attributed valid to every guy out there but I assure you that these reasons hold true for a larger percentage of guys.

  1. He wants you to be his girlfriend.
  2. He wants to flirt with you.
  3. He finds you attractive.
  4. He wants to be sure of your feelings for him
  5. To intentionally make some other lady jealous.
  6. He is a shy guy.

1. He wants you to be his girlfriend

When a guy calls you his girlfriend, he actually means what he says. He wants you to be one.

In most scenarios, 50% of what a guy jokingly says holds true. It is normal to think it was a “slip of the tongue,” but it can be described as an unintended mistake that uncovers conscious and unconscious feelings.

When a Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend

Jokingly referring to you as his girlfriend means he admires you enough to call you his girlfriend and wishes you to be one.

A guy will not joke about calling you his girlfriend if he hasn’t seen some attributes of the type of lady he wants in you.

If it were your female friend calling you “girlfriend”, you’d definitely get no meaning from it other than being her friend, but we all know what a girlfriend is to a guy.

It is definitely not just a mere friend. If he jokingly calls you his girlfriend, he is essentially telling you about his true motives toward you. He wants you to be his girlfriend!

2. He Wants to Flirt With You

Jokingly calling you his girlfriend means he doesn’t want a serious relationship but wants to flirt with you.

Guys tend to act more unserious when they intend to flirt with you. They know that most women cannot handle the truth when it is told to them, so coming out of the closet to tell her he wants to flirt with her will be a quick turn-off and may ruin their relationship with you.

Calling you his girlfriend is a way to get through your emotions and have a hold of his desires.

When a Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend

If he finds you attractive, he will definitely not come out and tell you how much he is attracted to you, as this may be a turn-off or you may suspect he just wants to flirt with you and nothing more.

In order not to get that rejection, he tries to soothe your emotions by calling you his girlfriend, making you consider getting closer to him.

3. He Finds You Attractive

When a guy jokingly calls you his girlfriend, there is every tendency that he finds you attractive.

Of course, when we talk about finding you attractive, it may seem as though he’s all about your body silhouette or your facial looks.

However, he may be attracted to some other quality you possess, as guys generally have a lot of qualities they find attractive in women.

Jokingly referring to you as his girlfriend may indicate that he is attracted to your sense of humor, sense of style, intelligence, how you comport yourself, the level of confidence you portray, and so on.

When a Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend

And yes! Another great factor a guy would consider before jokingly calling you his girlfriend is your physique.

A guy would not want to joke about something like that if he doesn’t find you appealing. It may be your hot legs, curves, hair, smile, or even your walking steps.

All these may be the qualities he desires in the woman he will love to have as his girlfriend. And he will outrightly express it.

4. He wants to be sure of your feelings for him

One obvious reason a guy could perhaps seem to jokingly call you his girlfriend is to see your reaction if you want him or not.

Guys are not like the emotionless robots we think they are. They only tend to think more if the way they feel about you is reciprocated, which is why they fear rejection.

It is not very humane to say ‘hey! I am attracted to you. Are you attracted to me? Great! Let’s go out for dinner and spend the night together.’

It will be a definite turn-off on your end, and he knows this.

When a Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend

It is possible that he honestly thinks you are the woman he wants but doesn’t want to bridge your friendship by directly asking you out.

He needs some indication that he can approach you or express his feelings to you because he is afraid you will reject him.

Or he is afraid of experiencing heartbreaking one-sided love, so he believes it is best to jokingly call you his girl so he can detect if there is a chance you feel the same way and would accept him.

Through your reaction, he would know how to proceed with his intention towards you, either to withdraw or actually get more serious with you.

5. To Intentionally Make Some Other Lady Jealous

When a guy jokingly calls you his girlfriend, it may be a tactic to get other girls’ attention and make them jealous.

There is a strong chance he likes her in some way or is trying to get back at her.

Most of the time, when a guy feels hurt, maybe due to rejection or heartbreak, he tries to strike out in a way that makes him feel better, which includes making that lady jealous.

Calling you his girlfriend may be an attempt to hurt her emotionally, making her feel she’s lost him.

When a Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend

On the other hand, he may be trying to see if the lady he’s crushing on cares about him calling you his girlfriend.

With this, he is able to make the last feel jealous and insecure about herself. This tactic is very popular among guys because ladies react to these things.

They get hurt the moment they see that the guy they were once in love with has moved on with some other woman.

So honey! Calling you his girlfriend may be a way to get back at his old lover or some other lady who has once rejected him.

6. He is a shy Guy

When a guy jokingly calls you his girlfriend, it may be as a result of his shy nature.

When words are jokingly expressed, in most cases, it shows that it should be taken seriously because the person who said it was serious about it.

When a Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend

A guy who is shy can be bad at communicating how he feels about you. He may be very much into you and want you to be his girl, but his shy behavior keeps him from approaching you the right way.

Communicating with you may even be a frightening experience because he is being extra careful not to flop.

You should understand that the way a shy guy goes about telling a lady he loves her is quite inexpressive, so he would want to joke around it first.

Although this isn’t a straightforward way to go about it, this is peculiar to shy guys.

What To Do If A Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend.

You Should Not Assume

We only hear what we want to hear and see what we want to see. We have a way of believing things in our heads when we understand the situation.

An assumption is something that you believe in but of which you have no proof.

The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are true, but when you think about it, we do not make clarifications, so we make assumptions.

When a Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend

Because of the fact that he jokingly calls you his girlfriend, you may begin to think he wants to flirt with you, make you his girlfriend, or even make some other girl jealous.

If you assume that because he called you his girlfriend, he wants to be your boyfriend, you’ll find yourself already falling in love with him and fantasizing about him, and he may begin to see you as a desperate lady because that was not his intention.

Or you may feel resentment because you believe he is using you to make another lady jealous.

As you can see, it is as simple as not just assuming. If a guy jokingly tells you you are his girl, don’t assume he wants you to be his girlfriend.

Ask For Clarifications

There is a possibility that when a guy jokingly calls you his girlfriend, it is an actual joke and holds no other sentiment whatsoever.

It may also be the other way round, that it is no joke and he is in love with you. The only way to stop having the wrong assumptions is to ask him for clarification.

Being the one who calls you the name, he definitely has a reason and it is more appropriate to hear from the horse’s mouth and not even from his friends because they can also tell you what is untrue.

When a Guy Jokingly Calls You His Girlfriend

When doing this, do not attach some form of emotion, like you were actually expecting a particular kind of response.

You shouldn’t sound rude or emotional as this will show how you felt about him jokingly calling you his girlfriend.

You want to hear what exactly he meant by it without him capitalizing on how you felt about it.

Seek to know his motive behind calling you his girlfriend so you don’t hurt yourself emotionally.

At this point, you need to give heed to your instinct and also act smart so he doesn’t use your curiosity against you and get you entangled in a lie.

This is because asking him about it may suggest to him that you feel he likes you, and if he doesn’t want to flirt with you, he will definitely make use of that chance.

Resolve Whether To answer the name or not.

Your response when a guy jokingly calls you his girlfriend is a major determinant in revealing his intention.

After doing the necessary clarification, the choice is yours to either answer the name or not.

If jokingly calling you his girlfriend means he is in love with you, wants to flirt with you, or even desires for you to be his girlfriend and the feeling is mutual, then you accept the name.

Who knows? Your feelings may be right and it will halt your heartbreak and you may get married eventually.

On the other hand, if you disagree with why he jokingly refers to you as his girlfriend, perhaps he wants to use you to get back at another lady or just have you for a moment without any commitment.

You should openly express your displeasure with him calling you his girlfriend.

If he doesn’t refrain from it, then it is high time you avoid him. This is because a guy will stop at nothing just to have his way.

Therefore, if you do not dissociate yourself from him, you may eventually find yourself in the situation you’ve been consistently avoiding.

However, in an attempt to dissociate yourself from him, you may need to report to the authorities or your parents.

This is because he can be very adamant because he has been building up this feeling in his head for a long time and will not take a NO lightly.


I am drawing towards the climax of this enlightening and useful article.

I hope this article has expanded your understanding of the various reasons why a guy might call you girlfriend jokingly.

Most of them are relatable, while the others need a little more time to be able to see through them.

However, I believe you now know what to do if a guy jokingly calls you his girlfriend.


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