Why Does My Ex Want to Go on a Vacation with Me?: 7 Reasons We Know!

It can take time to get over a broken relationship. But when eventually you do, dealing with an ex who still sticks around can be quite challenging.

For example, it sounds strange when your ex wants to go on a vacation with you. Why would they want to? Shouldn’t they keep things simple between you two?

Although a vacation is something couples and friends do, when an ex wants to go on a vacation with you, you can’t help but wonder why they want to.

In this article, I’ll help you figure out the reasons your ex wants to go on a vacation with you. In addition, I’ll answer the question about whether or not you should go on vacation.

And finally, you’d know if it’s alright to leave room for reconciliation with your ex.

7 Reasons Your Ex Wants to Go on a Vacation with You

There are countless reasons why your ex will want to go on a vacation with you. First, it may seem like a foolish idea, but when you consider some of the reasons, you may see some good and fun in it.

One of the reasons your ex would want to go on a vacation with you is if they still love you and want to win you back. Also, it could be that they want to talk things out.

In addition, they may be trying to be friendly and want to maintain a good relationship.

Below I’ll discuss the reasons your ex wants to go out on a vacation.

They Are Still in Love with You

One of the major reasons your ex would want to go on a vacation with you is if they still love you. Especially if you both just recently broke up, it’s possible they still have strong feelings for you.

It’s not out of place if your ex is still in love with you after your breakup. Maybe you both needed to end things. For instance, on the grounds of health status or some circumstances beyond control.

Therefore, it may be difficult getting over each other, especially if the breakup was recent.

So, they may ask for a vacation with you just to reminisce on the good times you both used to have.

This is the case if they can’t get you out of their mind; a vacation may be a good time to deal with the feelings.

If it’s the case that your ex is still in love with you, they may show signs of it, especially if you stay close. Have they always been reaching out? Have they been doing things that cross friendship boundaries?

These are some of the signs to watch out for to know if your ex is still in love with you. You can even ask them directly if they still love you or ask them why they want to go on a vacation with you.

They Want to Win You Back

Why Does My Ex Want to Go on a Vacation with Me

Another very common reason your ex would want to go on a vacation with you is if they want to win you back.

If the break-up just recently happened, they may have changed their mind and want to get back together with you.

Whether or not they’re the ones who initiated the breakup, they could ask for a vacation to use the opportunity to convince you back to have them.

Moreover, a vacation is truly a good opportunity to win you back. It’ll be easier to remember how things used to be and begin to fall in love over again.

It’ll create the right moment to connect again, and if they want you back, be sure to know they’ll be making a lot of effort.

So have this on your mind if you’d be going on vacation, especially if you’ve no interest in getting together. If you’ve no interest in getting back together, you can ask to make the vacation a group thing.

Nonetheless, if it’s the case he wants to win you back, he’s likely to insist it should be a both-of-you thing, so you decide if you want to go or not.

It’s Just a Friendly Proposal

Some people break up and remain friends. Not every couple turns to enemies or stops keeping in touch after a breakup.

Ideally, that’s what it should be. You don’t necessarily have to be best of friends, but it’ll be nice if you both remain on talking terms, if toxicity wasn’t involved.

So your ex could ask for a vacation as a friend, with no feelings attached. If it’s the case that it’s just a friendly proposal, they could ask that you join in with their friends.

Also, they won’t oppose you if you ask to come along with your friends. So, you can suggest coming along with your friends to know their true intentions.

They Hope to Make You Feel Better

Another reason your ex would ask for a vacation with you is if they want to make you feel good. If the breakup was hard on you, they could suggest a vacation to a place you love so much.

Although this may seem like an odd way to make you feel better as spending time with each other may not be the best idea, it can still work to let go of the hurt and help you heal.

So, depending on what they think will work, they can ask for a vacation to make things better. In addition, they may suggest you come along with your friends to make it easier for you to accept.

They Want to Talk Things Out with You

If your ex wants to talk things out for you, a vacation may seem like the best choice for them. They may suggest your favorite place to make it hard for you to resist.

In this case, they only want to talk things out if there are still a lot of unsaid things.

Perhaps the breakup hadn’t ended well and they feel they owe some explanations, or they feel you do too, then a vacation may seem like a nice idea.

This vacation will provide a lot of opportunities for you both to express yourself better, clear the air and decide again what’s best for you both.

They Want to Build a Good Relationship

If your ex intends to maintain a good relationship with you, a vacation may be one of the ways to start. Here, it’s based on a friendly idea and if you’re up to it, there’s no harm in going.

If it’s the case, they’re only concerned about building a good friendship, they won’t opt against going with friends.

They Want to Spend One More Good Time with You

Another reason your ex would ask for a vacation is if they want to spend one more good time with you.

It could be to hook up or just have fun. Whatever the case, a vacation is a nice way to relieve old times.

If it’s the case that they only want to have one more good time, then it’s likely they’re moving to a new and far place or they intend to stay away from you.

Should You Go on a Vacation with Your Ex?

Whether you should go on a vacation with your ex or not will depend entirely on you and what you want.

If you feel there’s no harm in it and you’re up to the fun and can handle any feelings, then by all means you can go. However, if you’ve got a feeling of uncertainty and you’re yet to get over them, it’d be better not to go.

That being said, here are some reasons why you should and should not go on a vacation with your ex.

4 Reasons You Should Go on a Vacation with Your Ex

If You Still Wish to Get Back Together

If you still have feelings for your ex and you hope to fix things and get back together, then a vacation together is one of the best decisions.

They may also feel the same because they ask for a vacation, so don’t hesitate if you still feel strongly for them.

However, ensure you’re using your head more in this case. If you both are a bad match, maybe due to health status, you should stay away from them.

If You Don’t Mind Flirting and Getting Intimate

With an ex, it can be difficult to hang around them. But if you’re well over them, it can be easy to flirt and even get intimate.

So, if you don’t mind some flirting with your ex and you wish to just get in bed together, a vacation is where you can have all the fun and return to the world after.

If You No longer Have Any Feelings and Wish to Remain Friends

If you’re well over your ex and you don’t see any reasons why you can’t remain friends, then a vacation with them is not a bad idea.

In this case, you can suggest you come along with your friends to make things easier. However, if that won’t be possible, ensure you both get separate rooms so as not to mix things up.

If You Have Children Together

Another reason why you might consider a vacation with your ex is you both have children together.

A vacation will be a nice way to get together as a family and bond. Getting out of a divorce or a relationship doesn’t mean you can’t be friends anymore.

Particularly if you’ve children together, it’d be best if you maintain a reasonable level of friendship for the sake of the children.

4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Go on a Vacation with Your Ex

These are some of the reasons you might think a vacation is a bad idea:

If You Are Not Over Them Yet

If you’re not over your ex yet, getting to see them often can be hurtful. Therefore, a vacation together will be a very terrible decision.

If you’re sure things have ended completely, then you should stay away from them at least until you’re over them. You don’t need any more emotional stress.

If You Wouldn’t Think About Getting Back

If you’ve made up your mind to move on completely, then you shouldn’t agree to a vacation unless it’s a group one.

Your ex might intend to win you back, so if you think getting back together is such a bad idea, then don’t go on vacation.

It Can Increase Conflict

Going on a vacation together can open old feelings and even new anger.

So going on a vacation together can be a terrible idea, especially if one of you is temperamental and if you’re going alone without friends.

If You Don’t Want To

Above all, if you don’t have the urge or desire to go, then don’t force yourself to.

Your happiness and peace of mind are in your decision, so don’t jeopardize that for anything.

Should You Ever Leave Room for Reconciliation with an Ex?

Whether or not you should leave room for reconciliation with an ex will depend on the past relationship and what you want.

If your relationship was toxic, maybe they were emotionally and physically abusive, then you shouldn’t ever give room for reconciliation.

Also, if it has to do with health status that can put your children at risk, then you should avoid reconciliation unless you don’t plan to have children.

However, if all of these are not in the picture and you still have feelings for your ex, there’s no harm in trying a reconciliation. A vacation will give ample room for that.

Final Words

A vacation with your ex may be a good idea or a bad one depending on their reasons and what you want.

Your ex would want to go on a vacation with you if they’re still in love with you and want to win you back.

In addition, it might just be a friendly reason. So, if you’re okay with the reasons or you both have children together, there’s no harm in trying a vacation together.

However, if you have no intention of getting back together, particularly if it wasn’t a good relationship, then you shouldn’t consider a vacation or any avenue to reconcile.

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