Would You Break up With Someone if They Kissed Someone Else?

It is not right to break up with someone just because they kissed someone else. You need to make your findings to know exactly what prompted that kiss.

I will explain to you the various reasons why you should or why you should not break up with someone if they kissed someone else.

Could it be that the person is an actor and was supposed to play a role where they would kiss someone? If that is the case, you should not break up with the person.

Also, if you were told without proof and you did not see that the person kissed someone, you should not break up with the person.

However, if you caught them bussing passionately and you saw that there was so much connection between the two, then you need to question it and call the person aside, and ask what happened.

If you realize that they are in love, it is advisable to break up with such a person.

It does not make any sense that you are dating someone and that same person is out there bussing someone else passionately.

If they are in love, do not form a love triangle, if the person is no longer interested in you, break up.

4 Things to Consider Before Making Your Decision to Break Up?

Before you make your decision, I believe there are things that you need to consider before making your decision.

For example, you need to consider the reason behind the kiss, if they were just acting in a scene or if it was bussing off the list.

Here are the things that you can consider before making a decision

  1. Know the person’s intentions
  2. Check if they are in love
  3. Confirm if they once dated
  4. Consider your plans

Know the person’s intentions

This is one thing that you must consider before you make a decision on what you are to do. You need to know the person’s intentions towards bussing the other person.

If it was your girlfriend that kissed someone else, you need to know her intentions towards bussing the person, was she bussing the person because she felt in the mood or just because they were both in a lonely place and they had to just kiss?

This is not a good enough reason to kiss someone when you have a boyfriend, but it is important to consider this before you make a decision on if you are to break up with the person or not.

Check if they are in love

Would You Break up With Someone if They Kissed Someone Else

If you notice that the person kissed someone, you need to confirm if they are still in love.

For example, your girlfriend could kiss someone, before you make a decision on what you want to do, ask her who the person is and why she did what she did. Most importantly, ask her if they are still in love.

If your girlfriend confesses that they are in love and you are not happy about it, you should break up with her.

This is because she cannot be your girlfriend and then she says that she loves another person.

If you happen to continue with such a person, you will end up creating a love triangle between three people.

Love triangles are not a good thing to partake in, however, if you do not feel comfortable with her again and she has already confessed that she loves the person, go ahead and break up since she feels happier with the person.

You may just be doing yourself some good because if you happen to get married to such a person who likes someone else and claims to like you too, you both may end up having a rough relationship.

Confirm if they once dated

Consider if they once dated. This one is so important that you should not neglect it.

Why it is good to consider this because if you have a girlfriend that kissed someone else, and you realize that the person she kissed was her ex, she may still like him.

If they once dated and you can see that they still have a thing, then it is wise you break up with her.

If you both end up getting married, the funny thing is that she may still be going back to her ex. People who go back to their ex tend to ruin relationships.

It does not make any sense to have a girlfriend who still wants to kiss her ex. If you both end up being together, you may end up with a rocky relationship in the long run. That is why you need to call it off soon.

Consider your plans

You must not hesitate to consider this.  If you found out that your girlfriend kissed someone, before you make a decision on what to do, consider the plans that you both must have made while dating.

If you see that she does not fit into your plans, then it will be cool if you break up with her. If you both will have a bright future together, then you can be with her.

One thing you need to note is that any girl you are with has to be someone you see your future in. If you don’t see her in your plans then you both may find it difficult to bond.

4 Questions to Ask Your Partner Before Making A Decision

There are some questions to ask your partner before making a decision, especially if you saw your partner bussing someone else.

  1. Ask the ‘why’ question
  2. Ask if the person knows the consequences of what he did
  3. Was he/she trying to make you Jealous?
  4. What were they hoping to achieve?

Ask the ‘why’ question

People do say that everything has a reason. You need to know the reason because someone you are dating will not just kiss someone for no reason.

That is one more reason why you need to ask why the person did such a thing.

That way, you will be able to know if the reason is justifiable. It is not enough to just conclude without knowing why the person did what he did. This is one reason why you need to know the reason.

When you must have known the reason and you feel that the right thing to do is to break up with the person, then you are free to do that.

However, if you feel the reason is not enough to break up, you can still stay with the person.

Ask if the person knows the consequences of what he did

Sometimes people do things because they do not know the repercussions of the consequences of what they did.

That is why you need to ask if the person knows the consequences. People tend to not do something if they realize that the consequences are not good at all.

Dating someone and bussing another person will not sit well in the ears of the person you are currently dating, and one of the consequences would be a possible break-up.

If the person has this in mind, he would most likely not indulge in bussing someone else. Before you make a decision, ask why the person did that.

Was he/she trying to make you Jealous?

This is another important question that you need to ask before you make your decision. Sometimes, someone you are dating tends to make you jealous just because they enjoy doing such.

That could be the reason. Ask if the person is trying to make you jealous. It happens, when people do it, they just want to make you jealous and make you feel like others also want them and indirectly try to make you desire them.

You need to communicate with the person to be sure that this is exactly what the person was trying to do.

If the person tells you that he was just trying to make you jealous, then you should know that that is only what the person wanted to accomplish.

Now that you know this, you will be able to make your decision if you would like to break up or not.

What were they hoping to achieve?

It does not make sense that someone you are dating is bussing someone else. The question to ask is what does the person want exactly?

This is one of the most important questions you need to ask the person before you make a decision. Ask if the person still wants you or if the person wants the person he kissed.

When the person has stated exactly what he wants, you will see if it is something you can deal with.

If the person still wants you, then it is fine if the person does not want you anymore, then he can go ahead and break up with such a person.

Should Kissing Someone Else Be A Deal Breaker?

No! Kissing should not be a deal breaker. This is because you may not know if the kiss was probably acting or if they were modeling for a brand and they had to kiss in a photo or video shoot.

I will explain the reasons why bussing should not be a deal breaker.

  • They could be acting
  • They could be modeling for a brand
  • It’s not a deal breaker if you did not see the person

They could be acting

This is one of the commonest reasons why bussing is not a deal breaker. What if your girlfriend is an actress and she had to kiss someone in a scene?

Will you say that because she kissed someone in a scene you will break up with her?

No, because you understand that it is her job and things like these are bound to happen.

If your girlfriend is an actress and you would not be happy if you see her bussing in movie scenes, then you need to communicate that to her so that she would not do such.

If you have an actress as a girlfriend, you may need to get comfortable with her bussing other people.

They could be modeling for a brand

This is another reason why bussing is not a deal breaker. You have to be a boyfriend that understands, especially if your girlfriend is a model and has to kiss in a photo or video shoot for a brand.

If they have to kiss, then you should not be upset or see it as a deal breaker. Sometimes, models are married people who still do jobs like this, but their spouses understand. That is how they handle it.

As long as you understand that your girlfriend is a model and she is prone to doing things like this too often.

It’s not a deal breaker if you did not see the person

Sometimes, friends could lie that they saw your girlfriend bussing someone else just because they are jealous of you or they do not have good intentions towards you.

This is one reason why bussing should not be a deal breaker, especially if you did not see your girlfriend bussing someone else or if you did not see any proof.

Before you make any decision, be sure it is true and that you saw her bussing someone else. If there is no proof that you did not see the person, do not fall for something like this.

Final Words

Kissing is not something that would make you want to break up with someone.

If the person kissed an ex or you discovered that she is in love with her ex, you should know that the person may have feelings for her ex and not have the same feeling for you.

Before you decide if you are to break up or not, ask questions and consider the things I have explained in this article.

After reading through this article, you will not have difficulty in making a decision if you should break up with the person or not. It will help your decision-making process easier for you.

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