Why Does My Boyfriend Sleep So Much? 5 Major Reasons!

What’s the point of having you around if you’re just going to lie in bed all day, regardless of whether or not you’re sleepy?

It can be challenging to find a happy medium in a relationship when it comes to spending time together doing things that each partner enjoys.

He probably wouldn’t be sleeping if he were out with his buddies, so you should probably bring it up and try to work out a solution.

If it happens all the time, the problem is something you can discuss and work out between the two of you.

Some of the most typical causes of one partner sleeping through a hangout are as follows:

5 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Is Sleeping Too Much

Why Does My Boyfriend Sleep So Much

Excessive daytime sleepiness can be caused by many different things, such as long hours at work, an irregular schedule, or insomnia.

Getting inadequate or interrupted sleep can also cause excessive sleepiness. If you have to wake up several times during the night to use the restroom, for instance, you might not receive as much slow-wave sleep as you would otherwise.

Sleep disruption and daytime sleepiness can be brought on by a number of lifestyle factors, including smoking, inactivity, and others.

Actually, it seems that many people who report having problems staying awake during the day aren’t actually having trouble sleeping at night.

Often, excessive drowsiness is a symptom of a more significant health issue or an illness that affects how you sleep.

Here are some potential causes for your boyfriend’s excessive snoozing:

  1. Blood Sugar Spikes
  2. Factors of Daily Life
  3. Afflictions Pertaining To The Mind
  4. Medications
  5. Sleep Disorders

Blood Sugar Spikes

When it comes to your metabolism, sleep, hormones, and food all play an important role. Sugary foods can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels accompanied by a dip that causes you to feel drowsy.

When it comes to controlling blood sugar, recent research found that the time you go to bed is more important than the amount of time you spend asleep.

Overnight sleep improvement was associated with fewer blood sugar spikes the following day at breakfast for participants. Early risers had the same experience.

Researchers found that people who went to bed later had a higher blood sugar response to breakfast than those who went to bed earlier.

It’s important to keep your blood sugar levels stable so that you don’t get tired as a result of having highs and lows.

With the help of an at-home blood sugar test, you can discover which foods are best for your unique metabolic profile.

According to my findings, 80% of participants who adhered to a customized nutrition plan for a period of three months reported feeling more energized.

Factors of Daily Life

Our hectic schedules frequently prevent us from getting enough sleep or maintaining a regular routine. A wide range of lifestyle factors, including but not limited to:

  • Taking a drink of alcohol, which can interfere with your sleep and other bodily processes
  • Too much or too late in the day of caffeine consumption
  • Taking on too many responsibilities
  • Infant or child care
  • Having or caring for someone with a complicated medication regimen
  • Nighttime light pollution
  • Getting too little sunlight during the daytime

Sleep deprivation can be caused by a wide variety of factors, and the list goes on and on.

Even if some of these can be fixed, such as limiting your coffee intake before noon, others such as childcare are beyond your control.

Afflictions Pertaining To The Mind

It’s not uncommon for people with a variety of mental health issues to complain of being exhausted all the time and requiring more shut-eye than usual.

According to a large-scale study, depressed mood, tension, and post-traumatic traumatic stress are the most common causes of fatigue and sleep problems.

Nothing stops you from seeing a doctor or therapist if you think there’s a mental health concern. Untreated mental illnesses can lead to a variety of other health issues that could have been avoided.


There are a variety of drugs that can be used to induce sleepiness or drowsiness. Over-the-counter drugs are in this category too.

Always check the medication’s side effects before taking it if you find yourself drowsy during the day. Make sure to do the same for any herbal products you’ve just recently started taking.

Sleep Disorders

More than a hundred different forms of sleep disorders have been identified.

There are a number of medical conditions that can bring on extreme exhaustion, and CFS is only one of them. Diseases, most notably COVID, can be precipitating factors in these disorders.

Sleep apnea, hormonal imbalances, depression, chronic stress, glandular fever, B12 malabsorption, iron insufficiency, Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, and hundreds of other conditions could all account for his symptoms.

A person with narcolepsy is more likely to experience nausea and tiredness. Deficiencies or instabilities in particular neurochemicals are frequently cited as the root cause of narcolepsy.

Individuals with narcolepsy may feel refreshed upon waking, only to repeatedly nod off during the day.

Narcolepsy is characterized by sleep disturbances, particularly in the early morning hours.

The person may fall asleep in potentially hazardous situations, such as during a discussion, while working, or even while driving.

Sleep paralysis is a symptom of narcolepsy that manifests itself in the form of daytime muscle weakness.

Some people with more frequent sleep disorders, such as insomnia, discover that they require more sleep than usual to catch up on lost hours.

For instance, not getting enough sleep has been connected to cases of insomnia. If you suffer from insomnia, you could feel weary all the time and wake up at odd hours or sleep more than normal.

How Do You Deal With A Partner That Sleeps All The Time?

Why Does My Boyfriend Sleep So Much

Feeling exhausted all the time or having excessive daytime sleepiness that negatively impacts your daily life should prompt you to seek medical attention.

Your doctor will conduct tests and interview you about your sleep habits in an effort to determine the cause of your sleepiness. A sleep specialist may refer you if they suspect a sleep disorder.

The underlying cause of excessive daytime sleepiness has a bearing on the most effective methods of treatment.

The doctor is likely to begin by recommending sleep hygiene tips and encouraging you to get more sleep.

In addition to adjusting your medications, your doctor will work with you to develop a treatment plan for any underlying conditions you may have.

  • Evaluate Just how bad things are.
  • Make Out Time to Talk to Him.
  • Analyze Your Partner’s Sleep Habits And Your Relationships To See If You Have A Problem.
  • Contemplate a breakup from him.

Evaluate Just how bad things are

Defining exactly what a “sleepy” boyfriend looks like can help you better understand him.

You can be irked that your boyfriend postponed a date to take a nap, but it’s a lot more serious to be concerned that he is constantly slacking off to sleep.

Does he, for example, work 60 hours a week and then pass out the moment he gets home from work? Alternatively, does he not have a job at all and instead prefers to lounge around all day?

Changing your relationship with a man who sleeps excessively during the day can be difficult if your boyfriend is making you unhappy.

You should try to figure out the root cause of the problem before talking to him about it.

Make Out Time to Talk to Him

If you haven’t already, make an effort to bring up the subject with your boyfriend when he has the energy and time to have a thoughtful discussion.

Make a list of all the things you want to say ahead of time so you don’t forget anything.

This will increase the likelihood that your boyfriend will be open to discussing his sleep issues with you so that you can come up with a solution that is mutually beneficial.

Rephrase your talking points so that he doesn’t feel like you’re rehashing the same issue again even if you’ve already brought it up. Make an effort to express your thoughts in a way that he is most likely to respond to.

The way your boyfriend responds to your concerns about his sleep will be very telling.

A compromise was reached after he listened to you and explained his side of the story. Or did he dismiss your concerns out of hand?

If he did the latter, he’s either in denial about his problem or has no intention of changing his sleeping habits.

As you can see, things are getting complicated here.

There is nothing you can do about it, and he isn’t going to change his ways.

Analyze Your Partner’s Sleep Habits And Your Relationships To See If You Have A Problem

You may have a lot more to unpack if his sleep issues are simply a symptom of his relationship issues.

To help him deal with a health problem, there are many options available to him, from drinking cold-brew coffee in the morning to taking medication from his doctor.

Even if his sleeping habits aren’t directly related to your relationship or the amount of time you spend together, you and he will need to address some underlying issues if that’s the case.

Don’t freak out if you think this is the case. Before you make any snap judgments, ask yourself the following questions:

How long has he been a night owl?

Were you amused by how sleepy he seemed when you first met him? After spending more time together, did you begin to realize the full extent of the problem?

Phew! It’s not related to your romantic relationship if this is the case!

It’s a bummer, however, that your boyfriend has devoted his life to getting a good night’s sleep.

The odds are against him and it won’t happen overnight for him to overcome this (no pun intended). However, he is completely capable of overcoming his sleep issues with honest communication and a few lifestyle adjustments.

Contemplate a breakup from him

Why Does My Boyfriend Sleep So Much

Make a point of telling him if it’s a bummer.

Your relationship is suffering because he sleeps all day.

Alongside your boyfriend, take a decision that will work for both of you. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be content and think of yourself as having a real partner.

It’s difficult to have a relationship with someone who is constantly asleep because it takes two to tango.

Okay, here’s a quick rundown:

  • Check to see if you’ve figured out what’s causing the problem.
  • Is it due to his job or just his personality, or is something else at play? Is it a temporary problem brought on by a shift in the schedule, or is it a long-term issue?
  • Correcting any misunderstandings before approaching him about his problems is critical.
  • As previously stated, you should do this calmly and at the most appropriate time. Try to come up with a compromise that both of you can live with during this conversation.
  • He may be able to keep his weekend wake-up time of 12 pm, but he’ll have to go out for brunch with you instead of staying in bed and binge-watching Netflix all day.
  • It’s best if you can work out a solution that both of you are happy with so that you can keep making each other happy.

Your love is stronger than sleep!

What Does Sleeping Too Much Say About You?

It’s probably not a big deal if you sleep in on the weekends from time to time. Sleeping more than nine hours per night, or not feeling rested on less than that, maybe a sign that something is wrong.

Here are a few things that could be interpreted from oversleeping:

  • You’re In Pain or You’re Sick
  • You Are Depressed and You’re Struggling With Your Mental Well-Being

You’re In Pain or You’re Sick

It may seem natural to sleep more when we’re sick, but studies show that sometimes this can worsen our symptoms.

Too little activity or too much time in bed can worsen back pain. Back pain can be exacerbated if you sleep in an unnatural position or on a mattress that is too old or worn out.

Many people wake up with worse back pain when they spend a lot of time in bed because of these factors, which include staying still for a long period of time.

The best bed for back pain is a good investment for those who already suffer from back pain because it can help alleviate it.

A higher incidence of headaches has also been linked to excessive sleep. Sleeping in can cause migraines and tension headaches, which are referred to as a “weekend headache.”

Some researchers believe that sleep deprivation or increased stress are more likely culprits than sleep deprivation per se.

You Are Depressed and You’re Struggling With Your Mental Well-Being

Oversleeping may be a symptom of depression. About 15% of people with depression have a tendency to oversleep, despite the fact that insomnia is a common symptom.

People who sleep for longer periods of time are also more likely than average sleepers to experience symptoms of depression or anxiety that persist.

According to a recent twin study, people who sleep too little or too much are more likely to experience depressive symptoms in their lifetime than people who get the recommended amount of sleep.

Sleeping more than 10 hours per night has been linked to poorer mental health in the past month in older adults, according to a new study.

According to some studies, depressive symptoms may be linked to irregularities in the body’s circadian rhythms. Resetting these rhythms is often an important part of treatment.


While it may help you regain energy after an illness or difficult time, getting too much sleep for too long might be harmful to your health.

Investigating your medical history, current medications, and daily routine will help you determine if you are, in fact, sleeping too much.

If you think your excessive sleeping could be the result of a sleep disorder or mental health issue, it’s important to discuss your concerns with your doctor.

You should always check with your doctor before making any changes to your medicine, even if it is causing you to feel tired.

Taking the time to improve your metabolic health is the next logical step.

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