Why Would My Boyfriend Not Want Me on His Facebook? Here Are 12 Likely Reasons!

You guys have been together for a while and everything is going well, except for the fact that there is not a single sign of you on his Facebook.

For all sorts of reasons, you’re a ghost. You are not real. Pictures of his friends, coworkers, dog and even a random dog he once met on the street are all over his Facebook page. But you, no way.

Why Would My Boyfriend Not Want Me on His Facebook

Put bluntly, he does not want you on his Facebook. But why? Read further to find out.

12 Reasons Your Boyfriend Do Not Want You On His Facebook

Your boyfriend not wanting you on his Facebook can be because you both just started dating, sometimes he might make it very clear from the onset that he does not want you on his Facebook.

And his reasons might be that he doesn’t want you to get roped into any of his drama, or that he needs some space to himself. Now you can’t help but feel a little hurt by his decision.

Looking back, you could see why he might have felt that way or you’re still confused way he made such a decision.

This blog post will give you answers to your question.

Here are twelve reasons why your boyfriend may not want you on his Facebook.

  1. He’s not ready for the world to know about you
  2. He’s not over his ex
  3. He’s not sure about you
  4. He’s worried about what his friends will think
  5. He’s protecting you
  6. He doesn’t want his ex to see you
  7. He’s likely not ready to make proper introductions
  8. He’s not ready to make things official
  9. He’s ashamed of you
  10. He’s worried about what you’ll think about his post
  11. He’s trying to keep his crush from you
  12. He’s not just really into you

He’s Not Ready for the World to Know About You

Why Would My Boyfriend Not Want Me on His Facebook

Your boyfriend might be a very private person and he will not be ready for the world to know about you.

It might even be that he’s not that active on Facebook and he barely spends time on social media. I think it’s because he doesn’t want people to be able to track him down.

This is what you get when your boyfriend is old-fashioned in a lot of ways and he believes that when you’re in a relationship, you should keep some things private. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, it’s just his way of doing things.

You should think about it and understand where he’s coming from – it’s not so serious so don’t take it personally.

With time, he would change his mind and let you on his Facebook; when he’s ready for the world to know about you.

He’s Not Over His Ex

Why Would My Boyfriend Not Want Me on His Facebook

There could be any number of reasons why your boyfriend doesn’t want you on his Facebook. Maybe he’s not over his ex and doesn’t want to see you interact with her online, this can cause a lot of drama you know.

Maybe he’s worried about getting too close to you just as he did with his ex and even flaunting her on Facebook. He just doesn’t want to get hurt again.

Whatever the reason, you need to respect his wishes and stay off of his Facebook.  Especially when the relationship is just starting. You don’t want to push him away or make him feel like you are intruding on his life.

If he ever decides he wants you to be a part of his Facebook, you’ll be more than happy to oblige. But for now, you are going to respect his decision and stay off of his account and see how things go.

He’s Not Sure About You Yet

Why Would My Boyfriend Not Want Me on His Facebook

There could be a million reasons why my boyfriend doesn’t want you on his Facebook, but I think the most likely one is that he’s not sure about you.

He’s still doubting that you might not be the one for him or he isn’t sure whether you are real with him or not.

He could be worried that you’ll start poking around in his messages or looking at his friends’ list that’s being too clingy. You shouldn’t be that way.

He might also think that if you are on his Facebook, it’s only a matter of time before you’ll start asking for his password too. And he surely doesn’t want to have to deal with that.

This is quite understandable and you should think about where he’s coming from.

After all, it’s not like you both are married or anything – you’re still getting to know each other, and he probably doesn’t want you to see everything he’s doing online until he’s sure about you.

He’s Worried About What His Friends Will Think

Your boyfriend doesn’t want you on his Facebook because he’s worried about what his friends will think.

You know how guys can be, they might be playing around telling him he’s a whipped for choosing to date you or that you’ll start stalking him if he ever lets you on his Facebook.

Honesty, it’s not so cool for him to be so worried about what other people think. He might be saying that he doesn’t care what they say or think, but then he goes and does things like this that make it obvious he’s really bothered by their opinions.

Friends can have a lot of influence on your love life especially when your boyfriend discusses you with them. He wants to have all the fun.

He wants to be independent and strong, but at the same time, he wants his friends to think that he’s cool.

Which is not so necessary, I mean what is he trying to prove? When he’s actually hurting you. It can be frustrating to get this kind of treatment from the one you love. Try to make him see that it’s okay to be himself.

He’s Protecting You

There’s a good chance your boyfriend is just trying to protect you by not having you on his Facebook.

He may be worried about what you’ll see or who you’ll meet. He may also be afraid that you’ll start comparing your relationship to others on his friends’ list.

Or he could just be really private and doesn’t want anyone but his closest friends seeing photos of him and his girlfriend. Hey, I get it. I’m the same way. I don’t want anyone but my closest friends to see photos of me and my boyfriend especially when I just got after a breakup.

The bottom line here is that there are plenty of reasons why your boyfriend may not want you on his Facebook, and it’s not always because he doesn’t trust you. Try to understand where he’s coming from and see if you can compromise on a solution that’s comfortable for both of you.

He Doesn’t Want His Ex to See You

Your boyfriend doesn’t want you on his Facebook because he doesn’t want his ex to see you. Plain and simple.

Exes can be a pain in the ass, especially for those that do not want to agree to the fact that they’re no longer together.

They can cause a lot of drama and this is what your boyfriend is trying to avoid. He might be probably worried that if she sees that you’re friends, she’ll start thinking that there’s still a chance for them.

And, let’s be honest, there’s a good chance that his ex is still harboring feelings for him. So it’s best not to give her any reason to think that there’s going to be a chance for the both of them.

It might seem like a small thing, but keeping you off of his Facebook is one way of ensuring that his ex won’t bother him anymore.

He’s likely not ready to make proper introductions

It’s possible that your boyfriend just isn’t ready to introduce you to his friends. Maybe he’s not sure how they’ll react, why does he care anyways? maybe he’s waiting for the right time to make things official between you two.

Whatever his reason, they are valid. And it’s important not to take it personally. He probably has good intentions for wanting to keep you separate from his online life.

Just wait a little while, he’ll come around. But when he’s taking so long, you should give the relationship a second thought.

He’s Not Ready to Make Things Official

It might not seem like a big deal to you, but for your boyfriend, adding you to his Facebook list of friends is a pretty big step. He’s not ready to make things official quite yet, and that’s perfectly understandable.

You don’t want to rush him or put any pressure on him. Just be supportive and understanding, and give him the time he needs. He’ll come around when he’s ready. In the meantime, there’s no need to stress out about it.

He’s ashamed of you

Why Would My Boyfriend Not Want Me on His Facebook

Your boyfriend may be ashamed of you. Maybe he thinks you’re not good enough to be seen by his friends or family.

It’s also possible that he’s worried about what you’ll say or post on his page. He may think that you’ll embarrass him or make him look bad in front of his friends.

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that he doesn’t want you on Facebook. So what can you do? Talk to him about it. Let him know how you feel and see if he can explain.

If he can’t or won’t explain why he doesn’t want you on Facebook, then it may be time to consider ending the relationship. Because there’s no point to be with someone who isn’t proud of you.

He’s Worried About What You’ll Think About His Posts

He may have mentioned to you that he doesn’t want you on his Facebook. He might have even given you a few reasons, but the most likely one is that he’s worried about what you’ll think about his posts.

He’s probably seen your reaction to some of his friends’ posts and doesn’t want to risk another argument. He also doesn’t want you to see all the private messages he sends to his friends.

And let’s be honest, he probably doesn’t want you to see how many women he’s been chatting with on the timeline

He’s Trying To Keep His Crush From You

There is every possibility that your boyfriend does not want you on his Facebook because he’s trying to keep his crush on you.

Now you might be wondering if that’s true because he claims to love you but come to think about it. His actions speak otherwise. He’s probably cheating and does not want you to know.

Don’t beat yourself over this too much as the one who truly loves you will make sure you are happy instead of playing with your feelings. If he doesn’t seem like making things work out.

Surprise him, let him know you have value for yourself and you won’t allow him to treat you like trash

He’s Not Just Really Into You

Why Would My Boyfriend Not Want Me on His Facebook

This crowns it all. You already have a hint that he’s really not into you. Something is stirring in your gut… He just doesn’t want you to know about certain aspects of his life since you are not going to be there for too long.

If he has an irrational compulsion to keep you out of his personal space then it’s time to use the door, Sis! Remember he wouldn’t keep you at a distance if he wanted to get to know you better.

Although, Avoid making snap judgments, don’t ignore your gut either.


There are many potential reasons why your boyfriend may not want you on his Facebook.

It could simply be a case of them being protective of their privacy, or they are hiding something from you, maybe they’re just not that into social media or not just really into you.

In any case, it’s important to talk to your partner about your feelings and try to get to the root of the problem – Try to ask him why he doesn’t want you on his Facebook and then come to a resolution that works for both of you.

If he’s not comfortable with you being on his account, try to respect his wishes, that is if you can keep up with that and stay connected.

If he is not willing to open up about it, then that might be a sign that there are bigger issues in your relationship that need to be addressed.

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