Why Does My Boyfriend Look At Dirty Pictures? 8 Likely Reasons!

“I found out recently that my boyfriend has been looking at dirty pictures. I don’t mean Playboy dirty, I mean intense, depraved stuff. I don’t know why he does it, and it grosses me out. What should I do?”

We all have different thoughts on intimate videos. Maybe you watch it, maybe you don’t. But either way, you probably wonder why your partner does.

Maybe you’ve caught your partner looking at dirty pictures and it’s led to some awkward conversations.

If you’ve found yourself in a similar situation, you’re probably wondering why your boyfriend looks at dirty pictures. In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why he may be doing this.

8 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend looks at Dirty Pictures

You love him, but you’re not sure if he loves you. He’s sweet, he’s romantic and he treats you with respect. But there’s one problem…he looks at dirty pictures.

You’ve tried to talk to him about it, but he just says that it’s a phase and that he’ll stop once he gets married or something.

Well, we’re here to tell you that this is not a phase and that it might be time for you to take action. Here are some reasons why your boyfriend looks at dirty pictures:

  1. You are not giving him enough attention
  2. He’s frustrated as to making love
  3. You are not putting adequate effort into your appearance
  4. He has a low copulating drive and needs “inspiration” from the pictures.
  5. He wants to know what it would be like to be with someone else
  6. It’s his thing, he doesn’t see anything wrong with it
  7. He’s a pervert and it makes him feel good
  8. He likes a variety of intimacy and looking at dirty pictures suffices

1. You are not giving him enough attention

Why Does My Boyfriend Look At Dirty Pictures

He looks at dirty pictures because you don’t give him enough attention.

If you are a girl and your boyfriend uses dirty pictures to get off, then you don’t give him enough attention.

He’s not looking at those pictures because he wants them or because he’s lazy, he’s looking at them because you’re not giving him enough of what he needs: your love and affection.

The problem is that if you don’t give your boyfriend enough attention, he’ll start looking at dirty pictures.

And then he’ll try to get the attention of other women to feel better about himself. It’s a vicious cycle that can end only when you break it by showing him how much you love him.

The first step is to stop ignoring him and start talking to him again. If he’s been wanting to talk, but you’ve been avoiding him, that’s probably because you’re afraid of what he might say and what it would mean for your relationship.

This can be a good thing! If he says something that makes you realize how much you miss each other, or if he tells you something really good about himself, then this is the time for those things to come out and not be held back by any fears on your part.

After they’ve talked things through and become friends again, do whatever it takes to make sure that they have time alone together again.

If possible, try taking a trip alone together far from home so that there won’t be anything else distracting you from each other

2. He’s frustrated as to making love

Why Does My Boyfriend Look At Dirty Pictures

When a guy is frustrated with making love, he will look at dirty pictures. This is because he wants to satisfy his urge and it’s very easy for him to do so.

He doesn’t have to worry about his partner being angry with him or finding out that he has been looking at dirty pictures. He can just hide it somewhere and pretend that nothing has happened.

If a guy wants to get rid of his frustration, he should stop looking at dirty pictures and avoid using them altogether.

You can tell your boyfriend is frustrated by the way he looks at dirty pictures. If he’s not checking it out on his phone, then he’s probably looking at it in his head.

If you suspect that your boyfriend is looking at dirty pictures online or offline, it’s important to talk about it with him.

You can also try talking to a counselor or therapist about how you feel and why you think your boyfriend might be frustrated.

3. You are not putting adequate effort into your appearance

There is something about the way a woman looks that can make men go crazy.

Men are attracted to women with great bodies and beautiful faces, but when it comes to intimacy, they want something more than just a pretty face. They want to see their partner’s body in action and not just their face.

Men look at dirty pictures when they want to see their partner’s body in action. It’s not only because they’re attracted to the idea; it’s also because they like drooling over those photos.

Men are visual creatures and they can’t help but notice the way that a woman looks. If you want to keep your man happy and interested in you, you need to make sure that you present yourself in the best possible light.

Or else, he’ll satisfy his desires with dirty pictures and intimate content.

4. He has a low copulating drive and needs “inspiration” from the pictures.

It is a common problem for guys to have low copulating drive when they are not in the mood. The problem is that most guys don’t know how to get back into the swing of things.

You may feel like this about yourself and you’re not alone. It’s a very common problem for men, according to Psychology Today.

The reason why is because when your drive is low and nothing seems to work, it can be difficult to find inspiration or motivation to get your testosterone levels up again.

When this happens, your boyfriend might want to look at dirty pictures to get inspiration.

There are so many reasons why guys look at dirty pictures when he has a low drive and needs “inspiration”.

One reason is that it is a way to express your urges in a safe environment. Most guys look at dirty pictures to get inspiration and ideas on how to please their women.

Guys need to try different things to help get their bodies back in gear, such as exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, getting plenty of sleep, and taking supplements if needed.

You should also talk to your man about how best to tackle this problem.

5. He wants to know what it would be like to be with someone else

Your boyfriend is like most men, they want to know how it’s going to feel to be with someone else. Whether it’s their wife or their girlfriend or a random stranger, it doesn’t matter as long as there is something special about the experience.

So what do guys look at when they want some insight into this? Dirty pictures

I think this stems from a lack of confidence in themselves. They feel that they aren’t good enough for their partner, so they look outside of themselves for a fantasy.

Looking at dirty pictures can be an escape mechanism, allowing them to feel like they are experiencing something that no one will ever know about them.

It allows them to take on a new identity and experience what it would be like if they were with someone else.

Dirty pictures have been around for thousands of years and have evolved over the years. It used to only be about nudity and nothing else, but today it has become much more than that.

There are many different types of pictures out there that cater to the different interests of their viewers.

When you notice your boyfriend feeling this way, you need to talk to him to furthermore explore how best to satisfy him.

6. It’s his thing, he doesn’t see anything wrong with it

Why Does My Boyfriend Look At Dirty Pictures

Your boyfriend looks at dirty pictures because it’s his thing and sees nothing wrong with it.

The men who look at dirty pictures in the real world are not all monsters, but they do tend to be men who don’t have any sense of guilt and watch it to be entertained.

Guys who look at dirty pictures are normal adults, with the same appetites as anyone else. They have urges that they can’t control, like everyone else.

If your boyfriend looks at dirty pictures and doesn’t become addicted, he is probably a pretty happy person and has no reason to feel guilty about it.

If you try to understand why people do things, you’ll find that most of them aren’t trying to hurt anyone.

They just want what they want, and they don’t worry about what others think of them because they don’t care much about what others think of them.

If you feel violated and sad whenever your boyfriend looks at dirty pictures it’s best to talk to him about it.

7. He’s a pervert and it makes him feel aroused

Why Does My Boyfriend Look At Dirty Pictures

There are many reasons for your boyfriend looking at dirty pictures, one of the most important reasons is that he finds it exciting.

Looking at dirty pictures is not about getting off, but about experiencing arousal. Excitement is an emotional state of being turned on by a particular thing.

For example, when you’re aroused by your lover’s touch, that’s a form of excitement. When you’re aroused by something other than your partner’s touch – say, looking at someone else’s dirty pictures – that’s still excitement.

The word excitation comes from the Latin word “excitare”.

Excitation can be physical in nature or emotional in nature; it can also be combined with both physical and emotional sensations.

You can feel excitation when you see someone else being intimate on screen because it arouses you emotionally too!

Why does watching looking at dirty pictures make your boyfriend feel good? It all comes down to what we call “excitatory neurons.”

These neurons are located throughout our bodies and brains; they are responsible for making us feel things like happiness.

Your boyfriend can otherwise be called a pervert if he still looks at dirty pictures when he knows you don’t like it.

8. He likes a variety of intimacy and looking at dirty pictures suffices

It has been observed that guys look at dirty pictures for two primary reasons: first, because they appreciate the variety that it offers, and second because it suffices as an outlet.

In other words, guys look at dirty pictures because they find them visually stimulating and because it is an easy way to get gratification.

As a girlfriend, while there is nothing inherently wrong with either of these reasons, it is important to be aware of them.

If you find your boyfriend looking at those pictures primarily for the variety it offers, you may want to consider whether he’s doing so out of a healthy curiosity or because he’s dissatisfied with your current intimacy. He expects you to be better in bed and you aren’t giving it to him.

Similarly, if you find that he is relying on those pictures as his primary source of release, you may want to consider whether he is using it healthily or if it has become an unhealthy addiction.

You should talk to him about it and you both should find a way around this problem.


Some men look at dirty pictures because they are bored and need something to take their attention away from the real world.

Others look at dirty pictures because it’s fun and exciting, and gives them a sense of power over women. Many men look at dirty pictures for both reasons, but not all men do it for either reason.

Guys who look at dirty pictures are not getting the best return on their time.

They may be spending their time looking at those pictures for a variety of reasons, but if I had to guess, I would say that many of them don’t really care about the quality of the content they’re watching and would rather be entertained than educated.

We’ve looked at some of the most common reasons your boyfriend looks at dirty pictures and I hope this article helps you confront him about it and work together to tackle the problem.

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