What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You?

It is obvious that when yawning is fake, it is not sincere and therefore cannot be involuntary. In the same vein, fake yawns are not natural but done voluntarily.

They are born out of the desire to escape something or someone. Liars are great at faking yawns too.

If someone isn’t interested in a conversation or needs to leave a place with immediate effect, then they should talk to the people around them or the person in charge so they can be properly granted permission rather than act in disrespect, fear, or suspicion.

In this article, you will learn what it means when someone fakes a yawn while talking to you.

10 Possible Meanings Why Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You?

Some people have reasons to justify their perverted actions, including faking yawns. One of the following describes what it means when someone fakes yawn when talking to you.

  1. It shows that they are uninterested or bored.
  2. It could be that they are nervous or unsure about something.
  3. It can be that they want to avoid a conversation.
  4. It shows that they are uncomfortable.
  5. It is because they want to trigger yours.
  6. It is to make you believe that they are tired.
  7. It is to prove that they want to be elsewhere.
  8. It could be to get them to keep quiet for some time.
  9. It is because they are lying.
  10. It shows that they are disrespectful.

It Shows That They Are Uninterested Or Bored

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

When someone fakes a yawn while talking to you, it shows that they are not interested in the conversation.

Maybe they don’t want to talk about the subject matter or they feel you are expecting them to say so much and they need to stop at that point.

Some people are uninterested because they are guilty about the topic you are discussing, or they want you to know that what you want them to say is not interesting and doesn’t make much sense, so you are boring them.

This happens when you are interviewing them or asking for their opinion about something. A lot of people do this over the phone because you can’t see their faces.

They yawn time and time again, to indicate that your talk is boring and does not deserve their time.

On the other hand, if a person needs to do something urgently or go somewhere else, it is understandable and they should just say it politely and get permission rather than fake yawn at you over the phone.

It Could Be That They Are Nervous Or Unsure About Something

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

Someone can fake a yawn at you when they are not certain about something. It could be that they need more time to gather information, so they yawn in order to get some seconds to think of something to say or compliment what they have said.

This happens a lot in a situation where someone is out of ideas or doesn’t know if what they want to say is correct or not. They fake yawn.

In the aspect of being unsure, maybe someone said or mentioned something they have not confirmed and you got a shocking reaction on your face.

They may not wait for you to ask a question pertaining to the issue they were talking about, so their next action will be to fake a yawn.

When someone is nervous, they tend to look for reasons to calm themselves, and yawning could be one of them. They fake it to feel better or to accumulate some form of confidence.

It Can Be That They Want To Avoid A Conversation

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

Simply to avoid a conversation, a person could put up with a rude attitude, which is to fake yawns while talking to you.

This is a non-verbal way of saying, ‘I don’t want to talk about this’ or ‘I don’t want to talk to you about it’.

As they yawn, they may close their eyes and make an unsmiling face, or raise their hand and leave as they yawn.

It could be that they feel insecure about the topic of discussion or that they don’t feel their opinion is needed, that is, if it is in a public gathering.

This rude attitude can also be a sign that they don’t want to say something at that time.

So, when that person yawns, he or she does it in a way that they indicate to you with their hands to continue the conversation without them, or they turn their face away while yawning in order to avoid the conversation at all cost.

It Shows That They Are Uncomfortable

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

People love places and people that they are comfortable with. This implies that when someone fakes yawning while talking to you, they are not comfortable.

When someone does this over and over again, you need to look around you. Maybe they don’t like something or someone there, or they are trying to alter their looks so that someone at that place may not recognize them.

In this case, the person looks suspicious for some minutes, and when the other person looks in their direction, they stop their conversation with you, fake a yawn, and cover their face with the whole of their palm.

This is all in a bid to demonstrate to you that they are not comfortable with you, someone, or something in that environment.

It Is Because They Want To Trigger Yours

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

To trigger yours, someone can fake yawns while talking to you. It could be that they are practicing the theory they saw online that yawns are contagious.

So, while having a conversation with you, they feel you are paying too much attention or you look too serious, so they try to practice what they saw in order to distract you a bit.

On the other hand, they might have practiced it with their friends and they know that it is contagious.

And so it may occur to them that they should try something a bit playful, which could be to make you yawn.

As they talk to you, they may yawn, and you might apologize or grant them space to completely calm down.

Then they continue talking, yawning again, and before you know it, you will also begin to yawn like them.

This means that someone can fake a yawn at you in order to make you yawn too, either as an experiment to confirm that it is contagious or because they want to distract you a little.

Someone can also fake yawns while talking with you to display a silly attitude as this trigger may be to make fun of you.

It Is To Make You Believe That They Are Tired

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

One of the genuine reasons why people yawn is to ease their stress when they are fatigued or tired.

But someone can fake a yawn while talking to you to make you believe that they are tired. It may be that they want to end the talk with you, but they don’t want to look disrespectful or ask you directly.

So, they fake yawn in order to make you feel that they are tired. After yawning more than twice, you may feel that they need some rest.

You may think that they didn’t get enough sleep because of work or study, and this will make you postpone the conversation or even end it, not knowing that they had an ulterior motive but wanting to portray themselves in a good light.

That was why they did what they fake yawns while talking to you.

It Is To Prove That They Want To Be Elsewhere

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

When someone talking with you speaks in a rush, acts anxious, and fakes yawns, it is a pointer that they want to go elsewhere.

They may feel shy or not know exactly how to tell you that their attention is needed elsewhere. But if you are observant, you will notice that they begin to speak faster, make gestures in an unusual manner, and add yawns to show that they want to go.

And if, after these signs, you keep questioning them for more answers, they may look at their watch or stare at the clock while faking a yawn as they talk to you. It is an indication that they need to be elsewhere.

It Could Be To Get Them To Keep Quiet For Some Time

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

Since a person is not expected to talk while yawning, someone can fake yawn while talking to you so they can keep quiet for some time. You cannot force someone to speak when they are yawning.

This could be an escape route for someone who wants a short break while conversing with you. It is possible that they need a break, but you expect more from them, and they see it in your facial expression.

Maybe you need to end the conversation quickly so they feel tense about what to say and what not to, or where to start from. In this case, they will look for an easy way to take a break and pause a little.

One of the easiest ways at that point in time could be to yawn. Just in case you continue to ask him or her to hasten up, they tend to yawn more just so that they can stay quick to assimilate what you have said or organize what they want to say.

It Is Because They Are Lying

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

One of the easiest ways to cover up for a liar, especially a professional one, is to fake yawns.

When someone wants to intentionally lie, in most cases, they appear like saints, very confident about what they want to say or do.

When they are asked questions beyond the scope they planned, they tend to feel uneasy, and in a bid to defend themselves against the truth, they will devise a means to gather more lies, which can be effectively done by yawning time and time again.

So, if someone is talking to you and he speaks in a suspicious tone, which could also mean that his voice is breaking, his eyelids are dilating so fast and he yawns almost every minute, then there is a likelihood that they are lying to you.

So, if someone is yawning while talking with you, there is much tendency that they are lying.

It Shows That They Are Disrespectful

What Does It Mean When Someone Fakes Yawns While Talking To You

In most cases, fake yawns are a sign of disrespect. Someone won’t lie or make fun of a person they love, right?

Since everyone, except proven otherwise, deserves respect, and since they won’t do that to someone they love and respect, they should also treat everyone else, including you, that way.

If they were uninterested in continuing the conversation with you or didn’t want to get involved, they should have informed you politely so you could change the topic of discussion to something they found more interesting.

But faking yawns to escape the conversation or to go elsewhere is not the best way to get permission to break that promise.

When someone feels you don’t deserve their time, they show it in a disrespectful manner by faking yawns.

On the other hand, you should not conclude that they are disrespectful since they may justify their actions later on.


Although yawning is largely known as an involuntary action, some persons abuse it. In this article, the likely reasons why someone will fake yawns while talking with you have been clearly spelled out.

Also, it is important to drum it out loud that people must not experiment with everything, and even if they must, not with everyone.

Because when a young adult tries to escape from a conversation by faking yawns, it becomes disrespectful.

And if faking yawns to trigger someone else’s isn’t between peers or people someone is familiar with, it becomes uncourteous.

Mind you, if someone yawns timelessly while talking to you, make them take a break and ask why. After reading this article, I believe you understand better the subject matter of faking yawns.

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