She Said I Have Soft Hands: How Do I Respond?

In a world where we are constantly inundated with images and messages about how we should look and what we should be doing with our bodies, it can be easy to forget that everyone is different.

We all have different body types, different levels of fitness, and different preferences. 

One common area of insecurity for men in their hands. Many men feel that they have to have big, strong hands to be considered manly. However, this is not the case! In fact, having soft hands can be seen as a sign of sensitivity and strength. 

If you find yourself in a situation where a woman comments on your soft hands, don’t be embarrassed! Take it as a compliment and use it as an opportunity to start a conversation.

One of the most common compliments men get from women is “You have such soft hands!” For some men, soft hands are a source of pride. Others might feel self-conscious or even emasculated by the comment. 

So, how should you respond when a woman tells you that you have soft hands? Read on for a few tips.

11 Ways To Respond When She Says You Have Soft Hands 

She Said I Have Soft Hands: How Do I Respond?

There’s nothing quite like a woman’s touch, and when she says you have soft hands, it’s a compliment of the highest order. Here are some ways to respond that will let her know just how much you appreciate her words.

  • Thank her! 
  • Tell her that she has soft hands too!
  • Ask her what she uses on her own hands to keep them looking and feeling so soft. T
  • “I’ve been told my hands are very soft, It’s just how they are!”
  • Share a story about how you once had rough, dry hands and what you did to fix it. 
  • “My cat petting skills have increased”
  • “I wish my feet were softer!”
  • “Oh, please stop. “You make me blush!”
  • “It’s all the yoga- Ha ha”
  • “Well, yours are definitely softer!”
  • “This is because of my mom’s genes”
  • “Oh really? I hadn’t noticed. But now that you say something, they do feel softer than usual today” 

1. Thank her! 

When a girl says you have nice hands, thank her! It’s always nice to receive compliments from friends.

After all, she’s probably noticed how much time you spend taking care of them! Here are three reasons why a simple “thank you” is the best response to a compliment about your soft hands: 

First, by thanking your friend for her kind words, you’re showing that you appreciate her opinion. This can help to strengthen your friendship and make her feel good about herself, too.

Secondly, expressing gratitude is always polite and shows that you’re grateful for the compliments she gives – even if they’re about something as small as your hands!

Finally, thanking someone after receiving a compliment can help prevent any awkwardness or tension from arising. So next time your friend tells you how nice your hands look or feel, simply say “thank You!”

2. Tell her that she has soft hands too!

When a girl says you have nice hands, tell her that she has soft hands too! This is a great way to show appreciation for the compliment while also returning one of your own.

Here are a few tips:

First, make sure that your tone is friendly and casual. You don’t want to come across as though you’re fishing for compliments or trying to start an argument. Simply state what you observed and why it made you happy.

Second, be genuine in your praise. If your friend can tell that you’re not being sincere, she’ll likely be put off by the whole exchange.

So take a moment to think about what it is about her hands that makes them so special – is it the texture, the shape, or something else entirely? Once you’ve pinpointed what it is exactly that caught your attention, express this in your compliment. 

Finally, resist the urge to one-up her. Remember, the goal here isn’t to compete with each other but simply to make each other feel good. So even if you do have softer hands than she does, keep that information to yourself!

3. Ask her what she uses on her own hands to keep them looking and feeling so soft. 

When a girl says you have nice hands, ask her what she uses on her own hands to keep them looking and feeling so soft.

This shows that you’re interested in learning more about how she takes care of herself and could potentially lead to some great beauty tips exchange!

Here are a few tips on how to go about it:

  1. Be casual about it – there’s no need to make a big deal out of it. Just strike up a conversation with her and casually mention that you noticed her hands are always so soft.


  1. Compliment her – let her know that you think it’s amazing how she keeps her hands looking so good. This will help put her at ease and make she feel flattered.


  1. Ask politely – be sure to say please when asking for information on what products she uses or what methods she employs to keep her hands looking great. No one likes being interrogated, so make sure you keep things light and friendly!


4. “I’ve been told my hands are very soft, It’s just how they are!”

When a girl says you have nice hands, you can say “I’ve been told my hands are very soft, but I don’t mind if they’re not. It’s just how they are!”

There’s nothing wrong with having soft hands! It’s something to be proud of. Your friends are probably just jealous because they don’t have soft hands themselves. Here are three reasons why you should embrace your soft hands:

Soft hands are a sign of good health. If your hands are soft, it means you have good circulation and healthy skin. So don’t be ashamed of your softer-than-average digits – they’re a sign that you’re in excellent physical condition!

Soft hands can be very sensual and pleasurable for both yourself and your partner (if you have one). If someone is lucky enough to experience the pleasure of being touched by someone with ultra-soft hands, they should count themselves fortunate indeed!

I’ve been told my hands are very soft” shows that you’re humble and confident at the same time – two qualities that people find extremely attractive in others

5. Share a story about how you once had really rough, dry hands and what you did to fix it

She Said I Have Soft Hands: How Do I Respond?

When a girl says you have nice hands, you can share a story about how you once had rough, dry hands and what you did to fix them. This shows that you’re knowledgeable about skincare and may have some tips they could use as well!

Once a girl said I have nice hands and I shared a short story of my frustration and what I did. 

Here’s how “Once, I had rough, dry hands. It was painful and it made it difficult to do simple things like washing dishes or opening a door knob. I tried all sorts of lotions and creams, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, I found a solution that worked for me: I started using coconut oil.

I would apply the coconut oil after every time I washed my hands (which was often because of how dry they were). At first, I didn’t see any difference. But after a week or so of consistent use, my hands started to feel softer and look healthier. The cracks began to heal and eventually went away completely.”

6. “My cat petting skills have actually increased”

When a girl says you have nice hands, you can say “Oh, I must’ve just been petting my cat too much!” 

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a soft, fluffy cat rubbing against your hand. And when someone comments on how soft your hands are, you can just say “Oh, I must’ve been petting my cat too much!”

Plus, it’s a great conversation starter. If someone asks you about your cat, you can tell them all about her personality and what she means to you.

And if they don’t have a cat of their own, you might even be able to convince them to get one! So next time someone compliments your soft hands, don’t be shy – let them know that it’s all thanks to your feline friend.

7. “I wish my feet were softer!”

When a girl says you have nice hands, you can say “I wish my feet were as soft as my hands!

There’s nothing wrong with having soft hands! It’s something to be proud of. You can say “I wish my feet were as soft as my hands” in response to a girl who compliments your soft hands. This is a neutral way of saying that you appreciate the compliment without getting too personal.

8. “Oh, stop it. You’re making me blush!”

When a girl says you have nice hands, you can say “Oh, stop it. You’re making me blush!”

When someone compliments you, it is natural to feel flattered. If you want to downplay the compliment or show that you are modest, you can say “Oh stop it. You’re making me blush!” 

9. “It’s all the yoga”

She Said I Have Soft Hands: How Do I Respond?

When a girl says you have nice hands, you can say “It’s all the yoga – must be the downward dog pose that’s doing it!”

If you’ve ever been told your hands are soft, you might find yourself attributing it to all the yoga you do.

After all, the downward dog pose is great for strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility – both of which can lead to softer hands.

However, there are plenty of other reasons why your hands might be soft, so don’t forget to give credit where it’s due!

10. “Well, yours are definitely softer”

When a girl says you have nice hands, you can say “Haha well, they’re not as soft as yours”.

If a girl were to compliment your soft hands, a possible response could be “Haha well, they’re not as soft as yours.” This would be said in a joking manner, possibly implying that her hands are softer than yours.

This is a neutral response that neither confirms nor denies the compliment.

11. “This is because of my mom’s genes”

When a girl says you have nice hands, you can say  “This is because of my mom’s genes”.

There’s no denying that good genes play a role in how our bodies look and function. But there’s more to it than that. Our lifestyle choices, diet, and environment also play a part in how we look and feel.

So when someone compliments you on your soft hands, you can say with confidence that it’s because of your good genes and your healthy lifestyle choices!

You can also reply with a witty reply like:

Oh really? I hadn’t noticed. But now that you say something, they do feel softer than usual today” 


When she says you have soft hands, it’s important to respond in a way that shows you’re interested and engaged in the conversation.

A simple thank you is always a good start. You could also ask her why she thinks your hands are soft, or what made her notice.

This will keep the conversation going and show that you’re curious about her opinion. Finally, it’s always nice to compliment someone back, so if she has nice hands too, let her know!

If a girl tells you that you have soft hands, there are a few possible ways to respond. You could simply say “thank you” and move on with the conversation.

Alternatively, you could ask the girl why she thinks your hands are soft. This could lead to a more in-depth conversation about what she likes or dislikes about your hands. 

Finally, you could use this as an opportunity to make a self-deprecating joke. For example, you might say something like “I must be girly if even my hands are soft.” No matter how you choose to respond, remember to stay positive and keep the conversation going.

We’ve covered various responses you can come up with when she says you have soft hands and I hope this article helps you respond to the compliment better.

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