How To Reply When Someone Says You Deserve It?

You can simply reply by saying “thank you, I’m so excited.” This reply shows how happy you are about getting what someone said you deserve.

If you have ever been in a situation whereby you got someone you deserved and someone said it without you knowing what to reply, keep reading this article as I will share the 20 best ways you can reply when someone says you deserve it.

20 ways to reply when someone says you deserve it

How To Reply When Someone Says You Deserve It?

  • Thank you. I’m so excited.
  • I’m grateful. I really worked hard for it.
  • This means so much to me.
  • Really, do I?
  • Oh my God! Thank you.
  • Thank you for your kind wishes.
  • Your support is all I need at this point.
  • I am glad I have positive people like you in my life.
  • This makes me so happy.
  • It’s been long since I became this excited 
  • Thanks for the compliment.
  • I appreciate your kind wishes.
  • I don’t think I would have done it without you.
  • I have waited so long for this
  • You always know the right time to say things to me.
  • Thank you, I only have positive people around me. 
  • I’m glad you think I deserve this.
  • Others never believed I deserved it. Thanks for the support.
  • I almost gave up, but thank God it paid off.
  • I feel so nervous. I am truly grateful.

Thank you, I’m so excited 

Usually, when you get something and someone says you deserve it, there is this feeling of happiness you get. In a situation like this, just say thank you and also mention that you are excited. This will show the person that you are excited and that you do not take that moment for granted.

I’m grateful. I really worked hard for it

How To Reply When Someone Says You Deserve It?

 Usually, if you get something you deserve, you will be happy and grateful. This is another good reply you can say. Let the person know that you really worked hard for it and that is why you are grateful that he said you deserved it.

Letting the person know that you really worked hard for it shows that you really value the result that came after the hard work. If you worked hard and you got the results you wanted, then you definitely deserve it.

This means so much to me

When you say it means so much to you, it means you value the fact that the person said you deserve it. You probably worked for it and put your mind to it.

You also did not take it for granted. When you reply in this manner, it explains it all, and the person who said it understands that it actually means a lot to you.

Really, do I?

This reply shows that you want to be sure if you actually deserve it. You are aware, but you still need confirmation from the person who told you.

When you reply in this manner, the person can go ahead to tell you something like-“yes, you actually deserve it, you worked for it, and you got it. Can’t you see you deserve it? “

Oh my God! Thank you

If you were surprised that someone said you deserved it, out of shock and surprise, you can say “Oh my God! Thank you”.

It shows how happy you are that you got what you deserved. Someone who heard you reply in this way would understand that you are really happy that you got what you deserved.

Thank you for your kind wishes

How To Reply When Someone Says You Deserve It?

 When you tell someone that he deserves something, it is really kind of you to say. Not everyone says kind things to people.

If you happen to get someone to say something kind to you, you should appreciate the person for his kind wishes. The fact that the person can say it means a lot, and it also means that he is kind enough.

Your support is all I need at this point

 Sometimes it is difficult to get someone to support you while you are doing a task.

If you are able to work hard for something and you finally get it, once the person tells you that you deserve it, that is a small act of support that person has shown to you.

If you tell the person that his support is all you need, then he will go ahead and show his support.

I am glad I have positive people like you in my life

 Not everyone has the opportunity to have someone positive in their life who encourages them. If you are able to find one, you should be glad you did.

This is a good reply and it shows that you are actually glad you have a positive person like that in your life who is there to encourage you when you need it. You should be happy that you have someone who is this positive in your life.

This makes me so happy

 You should let him know that you are so happy that he said you deserve it. Once you say it, he understands it immediately. This reply is so straightforward. You should say it without mumbling.

It’s been long since I became this excited

For some people, it has been so long since they became so excited. When you tell them that they deserve something, it makes them excited once again and it draws their attention to the fact that it has been a really long time since they were so excited.

This is something that you should take note of. It actually takes some people a long time to realize this. If you make someone so happy after a long time, the person will definitely thank you for it, and you will also be grateful that you did so.

Thanks for the compliment

This is a straightforward reply that tells the person who said you deserve it that you are truly grateful and you are not taking the fact that you are grateful for granted.

When someone says you deserve it, that is also another form of compliment that you should not neglect at all. With replies like these, you have it in your power to make the person feel appreciated for what they said to you.

I appreciate your kind wishes

 Some people are so busy that they do not even have the time to wish people well. Even people that are close to them. If someone gets to wish you well, you should not forget to thank them for wishing you well.

Not everyone has this rare opportunity at all. Simply thank the person for taking their time to wish you well. This will even encourage the person to wish you well next time, which will in turn make you happy.

I don’t think I would have done it without you

 This is a reply you should give to someone who has been there for you and who even helped you get to where you are.

When you finally get what you want and he tells you that you really deserve it, reply by telling him that you do not think you would have done it without him.

This makes him understand that he has a really important place in your life. Because you have thanked him, next time he will even do better for you and you will be excited about what he did.

I have waited so long for this

This reply shows how long you have waited and how hard you have worked for it. You have definitely worked for a long time for this to work, and you have also waited so long for it to happen.

When someone says you deserve it, reply by telling the person how hard you have worked for this and also how long you have waited for it to happen. This will show how patient you are about achieving the goals you have set and plan to achieve.

You always know the right time to say things to me

When someone achieves something in life, no matter how small, some people are not always there to wish them well.

But there is a small group of friends that you have that will know the right time to encourage you by telling you that you deserve it. That statement alone is enough to encourage you to do more and do even better next time.

When you achieve something and the person tells you that you deserve it, reply and say, “You always know the right time to say things to me.”

I only have positive people around me

This is a good reply when someone says you deserve it. When someone says you deserve it, simply tell the person thank you and that you only have positive people around you.

This encourages the person to even be more positive towards you when he is around you too. When you have positive people around you, it even helps you perform better at work or in anything you are doing at all.

I’m glad you think I deserve this

If you work hard at something and you end up getting it, it shows that it was worth it. If someone says you deserve it, you should reply by telling the person you are glad he thinks you deserve it.

It is a big deal for someone else to think you deserve what you have, and you should be happy about it as well.It is really a good thing if someone tells you that you deserve something you just got after you worked hard for it.

Others never believed I deserved it

Thanks for the support: It is actually difficult to perform at your best when people around you do not believe that you can do something or that they do not believe that you deserve what you have got.

If you finally get what you worked hard for and someone says you deserve it, thank the person for his support and also let him know that there are some other people that do not believe that he deserves it.

This would make him so happy, knowing that he was one of the few that believed in you and also believed that you deserved what you got. If you have people that support you, it is a really good thing that you should be happy about.

I almost gave up, but thank God it paid off

 Sometimes you work so hard on something and it seems to not be paying off and you get to the verge of giving up, but it works out. I have been in a situation like this in the past, and there are other people who can also testify to this fact.

After you get what you worked for and the person says you deserve it, you can reply by telling the person how grateful you are to God that your hard work paid off. Also let him know that you almost gave up in the process.

I feel so nervous. I am truly grateful

 Sometimes, when you achieve a great feat, you get nervous at first, until after a while, when you start to get yourself together.

When someone says you deserve it, reply by saying you are grateful. If it is someone you can trust, tell him that you feel nervous about it too.


The best way to reply when someone says you deserve it is to tell the person thank you and that you are also excited about it. Not everyone has the patience to even wish you well.

The moment someone wishes you, that shows the person also cares. Other responses that I have shared in this article will help you decide what to say when someone says you deserve it.

After reading through this article, you will not run out of replies that you can give when someone says you deserve it.

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