Can I Ask God To Make Someone Love Me?

Absolutely yes! You can always ask God to make someone love you. In fact, Christian doctrine almost considers it to be required. All you’ll need is the assurance that the two of you are meant to be together. 

The problem is that we occasionally desire things that are bad for us. “You never know someone unless you stay with them,” goes the adage. This assertion is absolutely accurate.

Additionally, it is important to note that you shouldn’t make rash wishes because they might come true.

Therefore, if there is no clear indication that the two of you should be together, a more effective prayer is to ask that God help you locate the right individual.

On a lighter note, if you are convinced beyond doubt about someone but they tend not to show any form of interest in you, you can ask God to make them love you.

Why Asking God To Make Someone Love You Is Important

Asking God to make someone love you is important because only God has the ability to influence a person’s heart. 

We are aware that only God has the ability to influence men’s hearts. In this context of desiring someone to love you, the only thing you can do is make known your feelings towards someone.

They are left with a decision to make – whether they are interested or not.

However, God can cause an individual to intensely desire love, making room for them to begin to consider engaging in love relationships.

Practically, you are powerless to influence a person’s desire to be in love. For a person’s heart to change, you must rely on God.

Anyone can decide to profess love for you after you make your feelings known to them without being true to what they proclaim.

Therefore, without the assistance of God in changing the heart, the adaptation in a man is at best fleeting.

Asking God to make someone fall in love with you basically eases the process of you trying to do everything yourself. whereas the possibility of getting what you desire isn’t guaranteed.

God has the ultimate control over the hearts of everyone, and this makes it easy for him to propel someone to fall in love with you.

10 Ways to Ask God to Make Someone Love You

You might be looking for ways through which you can ask God to make someone love you.

Probably one with whom you are deeply in love and convinced that you both should be together but who shows no interest whatsoever.

Asking God to make someone love you back just the way you love them has to follow the right channel, which is prayer.

This is because praying gives us a way to communicate our hearts’ desires to God and ask for certain things.

Below are 10 different prayers you can engage in, asking God to make someone love you.

Your desire to be a partner with him/her

Dear God in heaven, I believe in my heart that Philip and I (you can substitute the desired name here) are destined to be partners. even though he isn’t yet aware of it. Please give him a hearty conviction that we are meant to be together, I beseech you. I genuinely adore this man, and I wish he felt the same way about me so that we might be wonderful partners. Lord, please help him to start thinking of me before any other ladies and to focus on me. Lord, keep my heart from being broken by the agony of being overlooked by him. Because I want to spend my entire life with him, I am experiencing emotional suffering. I implore you to instill his heart with my love. I really do love him, but he is not reacting, which is quite bad. Please make him love me back if there’s any way You can accomplish it. Do it, Lord, for I know and trust You have a workable alternative. I believe that you have heard my prayer and will do according to all I ask. I offer my prayer through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Pray to get out of a rift

My Dear Father in Heaven, I am grateful for the privilege of calling on your name. Today, I have come to ask for your help in the area of my love life. It’s been years since Jane and I had a rift in our relationship. Without a doubt, we had the greatest moments of our lives. These times have made me happy, and I am convinced that you are interested in my happiness. I pray to you that you reignite the love we shared in her heart, so we can be happy again. Thank you, for I am confident that you have heard me and would do exceedingly well above all I ask of you. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Pray for granting a true love

Heavenly Father, I am thankful for your love for me and for giving me a heart to love. I believe it is your will for me to experience love because you have loved me first. It is for this reason that I bring before you this issue, which has been a cause for concern to me. I ask that you grant me my heart’s desire of finding true love. Jane, not a friend, is without a doubt the one for me. Her pure heart, joyful aura, and blessed utterances perfectly articulate the type of woman I want. I believe that, as a father, you want the best for me. And so I pray that you make her see the need to take our friendship a step further by falling deeply in love with me. Thank you for answering my prayers. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Pray for easy navigation of love life

Precious Father in heaven, I am in awe of your love for me. I believe in your power to change the heart of a person. And I admit my inability to constructively navigate my way through the life of Joan, the love of my life. I tend to struggle time and time again at every instance I try to get her to love me. For this reason, I deemed it wise to come before the one who can have control over the hearts of everyone on earth. Please, I ask you what is needed to make her fall in love with me. You can see my heart and know that every single thing I feel for this lady is genuine. I have absolute confidence that you have heard me. Please grant my request. This I pray in Jesus’ name.

Pray for change of heart

Dear God, I am grateful for your blessings in my life. I come before you today to seek your assistance on a crucial matter. I believe that you can do all things, so I ask that you incite the heart of Jayne to love me. I have it all to myself, but it hasn’t announced anything reasonable. For this reason, I commit this matter to your hands. Just as you have shown me that she is the one for me, I beseech you to help me in the process of convincing her. I am certain that there would be a change in her disposition towards me, because right now I ask that you take the wheels. Wherever your presence is, there is ease. Thank you Jesus, for I believe you nave heard and answered my prayer.

Pray to do the right thing in love

Heavenly Father, I am grateful for your loving kindness in my life. Today, I ask that you help me do the right thing toward getting Juliet to fall in love with me. Grant me the ability I need to make her love me. I know it is not easy, as I am prone to facing challenges as well as rejection in the process. Oh, God, for this! I ask that you grant her the emotional intelligence required to persevere until she fully develops affection for me.

Pray for companionship

Please hear my cry, all-powerful God. God Almighty, I ask for your help. In the same way that you come first in my supernatural heart, mind, and spirit, I also long for a companion in my earthly heart, mind, and existence. You are aware that Lilian is the best fit for me, and so you have directed me to her. Up until the time of our first encounter, please encourage me to continue walking in faith. Please guide me through to know how I can develop myself into a loving companion. Afterward, lead me through each phase of our relationship so that, as we advance, she will get to love me even better. All these things I ask through Christ our Lord.

Pray for successful relationship

O gracious and caring Father, all the people in my life have been a blessing from you. I offer Lilian my loving prayers so they can get to know and love you better. Additionally, I ask that you grant them success in whatever they attempt to do in life. Give them good tidings in the presence of their loved ones, friends, and coworkers so that they may perceive Your grace all around them. If you grant her all these, she will be in a better disposition to consider falling in love with me. You are the God who is always by my side, so I thank and worship You. Amen.

Pray for support for love

Dear God, I am grateful for the privilege of calling in your name. Thank you for the gift of love; you know it is a pleasant experience. For this reason, you sacrificed your only son to save mankind. This gives me the stern benefit of the doubt that it is your will for me to be in love and experience the joy, peace, and satisfaction that come with being in love. Although I have been on this journey of love alone, I realize I can’t do it all by myself. I have come to ask for your help. You know how much I love Dave, but the opposite is true of how he feels about me. I know you are capable of making his stony heart like that of a baby. Make him find every reason to be in love with me. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Prayer for husband to fall in love

Most precious Father of Love, thank you for this beautiful day you’ve made me see. Thank you for your grace upon my life. I have come to seek your help on a disturbing matter that has to do with my love life. You said in your words that if I asked anything in your name, you would do it. Not only do I believe your word, but I have also seen you prove yourself in my sister’s life and in the lives of many others. When she was about to take the lead on a divorce, you turned her husband’s heart into loving her again. And this time, he loved her even better and more intimately. My case is no exception. Please make my husband fall in love with me like never before and make our relationship sweeter than wine. There is certainly nothing too hard for you to do. Thank you because you know you have heard and answered my prayer. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


To bring this article to a close, there are so many people who ask the question, “Is it right to ask God to make someone fall in love with me?”

The thing is that God has given us the liberty to ask him for anything in accordance with his will, and he will do it.

Anything means even the slightest thing you can think of. This means it is okay to ask God for something even more significant: to make someone fall in love with you.

Especially if you are convinced that you both are meant for each other.

I believe you have now gained clarity about how you can ask God to make someone fall in love with you and how to go about doing it in order to have effective results.

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