Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend? 10 Major Reasons Why!

Guys lie for different reasons. Amazingly, they tend to lie about interesting subjects.

Among the reasons why they lie, it has been a point of concern to so many ladies that guys lie about having a girlfriend.

It can be confusing why they do that because both guys who are in a relationship and those who are not lie about having a girlfriend, and the question remains “why do they lie about this?”.

The general reason they give is that they lie about having a girlfriend in order to cheat on or flirt with other ladies.

In an actual sense, this is true, but there are more reasons why they lie about having a girlfriend.

In this article, we will be looking at the possible reasons why guys lie about having a girlfriend.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

10 Reasons Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend?

There may be other reasons why guys lie about their girlfriend, but I can assure you that among these reasons, you may possibly find the reason why.

The following are possible reasons why guys lie about having a girlfriend:

  1. It means they want to make their girlfriend jealous
  2. It shows pressure from his friends
  3. It means they want to cheat on their girlfriend
  4. It means they want to gain acceptance in their place of worship
  5. It means they are narcissists
  6. It proves they have been heart broken
  7. It shows they want to feed their ego
  8. It means they feel insecure about their relationship
  9. It proves they desire to have as many girls as possible
  10. It means they are immature

1. It Means He Want To Make His Girlfriend Jealous

Most of the time, guys will lie about having a girlfriend on purpose just to make their girlfriends jealous. They do this in order to test her.

Guys categorize every single lady they are interested in to know if she is the kind of girl they want or if she just wants to have fun in the relationship.

However, to categorize her in the girlfriend-material or casual category, they need to test her first.

One of the ways they go about it is to make her jealous on purpose by lying that they don’t have a girlfriend in order to test what kind of girl she is; does she act like a child and throw a tantrum?

Moan, complain, get upset, cry, scream, or shout? Or she is a girl who has control over her emotions and can stand on her own two feet.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

It could also be that he feels a little unsure of how she feels about him and wants her attention. He would make her jealous just to see how much she cares about him.

He knows that if he lies about having a girlfriend, his plan will go swiftly and so, for instance, during a conversation with his friend or a phone call, he would say things like “Nah! She’s not my girlfriend. I don’t have a girlfriend”.

2. It Shows Pressure from friends

Guys have this strong bond with their friends, mostly because they feel their friends understand them more than anyone else.

They feel a sense of security because even when they are at their weakest state, they don’t get judged even if everyone else chooses to. They have the assurance that their friends have got their back.

Being in the company of their friends, guys will always want to act in accordance to the standard their friends have set. They do not want to be left out.

Among these set standards is not admitting that he has a girlfriend so that he can adapt to certain activities they’d engage in or certain places they’d go.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

He may also be pressured by his friends because he doesn’t have a girlfriend while they do.

Guys have a way to always taunt their friends who do not have girlfriends when they make it seem like a weakness.

Because he doesn’t want to feel less of himself around his friends, he will lie about having a girlfriend.

3. It Means He Wants To Cheat On His Girlfriends

Guys lie about having a girlfriend when they want to cheat on their girlfriends.

Often times, they are not satisfied with their girlfriends even if they are loyal to them, and out of pure physical lust for other women, they will cheat on their girlfriends, thereby lying that they never had one.

For instance, if you have a nice car and it runs really well, looks nice and clean both inside and out, you will definitely be satisfied with that car.

However, you will not turn down the chance to drive a Bugatti or a new Mercedes for the weekend.

The opportunity of driving the other cars doesn’t mean you are not satisfied with yours, but because the options are there, you tend to take these options.

In taking these options, guys will outrightly lie about having a girlfriend.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

Apart from their lustful desires, guys would cheat on their girlfriends because they cheated on them in the first place. In an attempt to retaliate for this hurtful act, they would definitely lie about having a girlfriend.

This is because, in their minds, the lady who cheated on them must have denied having a boyfriend at some point.

Hence, he feels affirming he has a girlfriend will hinder their retaliation plan from actualizing.

4. It Means He Wants To Gain Acceptance In His Place Of Worship

Guys lie about having a girlfriend in order to appear as a saint as regards their religious beliefs. There are certain religions that do not consent to guys having girlfriends.

Hence, they are only expected to engage in courtship and not romantic relationships.

This is because they believe that it will lead to having intimate relations, which is a sacrilege because they are not yet married.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

In such religious settings, admitting he has a girlfriend will seem as though he has derailed from the faith and is already committing some form of intimate sin.

This will cause him to lose the acceptance he has in his religious family.

Therefore, guys who are under this type of religious constraint will lie about having a girlfriend so they can gain acceptance in their place of worship.

5. It Means He Is A Narcissist

Guys lie about having a girlfriend because they are narcissists. Telling lies is one of the most devastating parts of a narcissist because it is a betrayal of trust you have put unto them.

A narcissist will lie about everything whether big or small, seemingly important or not, they don’t care what they are about because they live with the philosophy of denying everything.

They lie about having a girlfriend to protect themselves, having no concern for whom they affect in the process of their lies, they only care about the least number of negative outcomes lying about their having a girlfriend will bring them.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

Narcissists want to maintain the fantasy world they created for themselves. They want to be seen as superior and not average and so they come out condescending and boastful.

In their desire to feel self sufficient,  they would always lie about having a girlfriend as it will seem they they needed a lady to meet their emotional need.

6. It Proves He Has Been Heart Broken Before

Guys lie about having a girlfriend because they’ve been hurt. Apparently, he must have been a good guy, but there is this girl who might have hurt his heart at some point, making him give up on women.

He applies that one heartbreak to every woman in his life; he may have a girlfriend, but he always lies about it to other ladies.

So, for every woman who comes his way, he may be thinking to himself, “She might hurt me like the other girl(s) did.” Therefore, he doesn’t want to commit to anyone anymore.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

If he’s been heartbroken before because his ex cheated on him, he’d likely see every other part as indifferent.

It breaks down his confidence as his friends would want to make fun of him being played by a lady.

As a result, he may have moved on with another woman but will lie about having a girlfriend.

7. It Shows He Want To Feed His Ego

Guys lie about having a girlfriend because they want to feed their ego. All of the ladies’ attention will be drawn to them. All eyes will be on them with girls calling them up, and all of this feeds their ego.

They begin to feel, “Yeah! I’ve got this girl; I am the man! ” That alpha-male feeling gives them confidence in themselves.

They want to show off their macho image. They feel it is a prominent way to prove their manhood.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

Also, most guys see having a girlfriend as a weakness because falling in love with a lady and having her as a girlfriend will make him depend on her for love.

Therefore, in order to feed his ego because he doesn’t want to appear as a weak guy, he lies about having a girlfriend.

8. He Feels Insecure about his relationship

Guys lie about having a girlfriend because they feel insecure. Some guys’ relationships aren’t the types they desire, and they are afraid to be alone in the end.

Therefore, they do not want to restrict their chances of getting along with someone else by admitting they have a girlfriend. They will rather lie about it.

Their insecurities sabotage them from having the kind of relationship they desire. For instance, a guy’s girlfriend may constantly complain about his not being good in bed.

This could make him feel less of himself, indicating that he is not as good in bed as other guys out there, indicating that if she finds some other guy capable of satisfying her intimate needs, he would lose her.

Insecurities like this one and more make men lie about having a girlfriend.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

Also, some guys feel insecure as a result of their previous relationship. It could be that they committed in every area they could in the relationship just to make it work, but it was just a one-sided effort.

He doesn’t want to make the mistake of boasting about her because he is unsure what may unfold in the long run. He fears that their current relationship may end up that way and so does not take it to heart.

Hence, this would make him feel he doesn’t have a girlfriend and this would be his answer when anyone asks him if he does. a NO rather than a YES

9. It Means He Desires to have as many girls as possible

Guys lie about having a girlfriend because they want to flirt with as many girls as they desire.

Most guys don’t just want to settle down; they still want to have fun, flirt, and sleep with this woman and that woman. These men do not want to lead any lady on; they simply want to meet her, sleep with her, and then cut her off.

They feel if they don’t have a lot of women around them, then they are doing something wrong. So, one lady is not enough for them; they need attention from every lady they desire.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

Therefore, it will be almost impossible to have a lady give a guy herself, knowing fully well that he has a girlfriend.

Guys want to keep their options open, wanting to see what else is out there. They are never satisfied. Their current girlfriend may be cool, but she is not just enough.

10. It Means He Is Immature

There is a difference between a boy and a man, and his level of immaturity will show you their difference.

They try to portray themselves as men, whereas they are not man enough because they deny having a girlfriend at any slightest demeaning mention of her.

Why Do Guys Lie About Having A Girlfriend

They lie about having a girlfriend because they lack growth in certain areas of their lives.

An immature guy lacks the confidence to admit that he has a girlfriend, and no matter what anyone says or thinks about it, he will not deny it.


It’s more reasonable when we find out the reasons why people do what they do and say what they say. Concluding based on an assumption does not give us an actual reason.

In this article, I have been able to address one of the notions people, especially ladies, assume and believe you are now knowledgeable about why guys dream about having a girlfriend.


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