What Is It Called When Someone Annoys You on Purpose?

We’ve all been there. You’re minding your own business when someone comes along and says or does something that annoys you on purpose.

Some people are just wired like this and it’s a tactic that is often used to get a rise out of someone.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons people provoke others on purpose, how to deal with it, and never lose your temper

So, what do you call someone who annoys you on purpose?

People who annoy you on purpose can often be called “irksome”.

There are also a few different answers, depending on the context.

If you are talking about someone who is deliberately trying to bother or anger you, then this person is known as a “troll.”

Trolls are people who enjoy making others upset or angry and will often do things like post inflammatory comments online or make rude gestures in public.

If someone is constantly bothering you even though you have asked them to stop, they may be considered a “nuisance.”

A nuisance can be defined as anyone who excessively disrupts your life for no good reason.

Finally, if someone is simply being annoying having no specific intent to harm or bother you, then they would simply be classified as an “annoyance.”

Annoyance can range from people who talk too loudly in public places to those who send unsolicited emails and text messages.

No matter what it’s called, dealing with annoying people can frustrate and irritate them.

Why Are There People Who are Annoying on Purpose?

Some people purposely do things to annoy others. It could be something as small as wearing a bright shirt or making loud noises, or it could be something more serious, like constantly interrupting others or being verbally abusive. But why do they do it?

  • Because they enjoy seeing other people get angry
  • Because they find it amusing
  • They are trying to assert dominance

Because they enjoy seeing other people get angry

Some people enjoy annoying other people because they enjoy seeing people get angry.

These people can also be called bullies as they tend to pick on one person and then torment them continuously.

Because they find it amusing

Some people find it funny when they see people getting annoyed due to their actions. They are also bullies, as they pick on one person to keep tormenting them to amuse themselves.

They are trying to assert dominance

Some people want to make other people subdued and they also want to dominate other people.

They tend to intentionally annoy other people to make them submit to their views and orders.

Whatever the reason, there’s no doubt that annoying behavior can be very frustrating and even harmful for those on the receiving end.

It can make social interactions difficult and lead to tension and conflict. So what can we do about these types of people?

First, try to ignore them as much as possible. If that doesn’t work, you can politely tell them that their behavior is bothering you and ask them to stop.

If they don’t listen, then you may need to take more drastic measures, such as walking away or telling a supervisor.

Well, sometimes all we can do is try to avoid them as much as possible.

If that’s not possible or if the annoyance is too great, then we may have to speak up and let them know that their behavior is bothersome and unacceptable.

Ultimately, though, it’s up to the individual perpetrator of this type of behavior whether they want to change themselves.

No one deserves to be treated poorly by someone else just because they’re trying to get attention or make others angry.

It’s important not to let an annoying person get the best of you – stay calm and collected and remember that it’s not worth your time and energy getting upset over someone who is only looking out for themselves.

Let’s look at some ways you can handle someone who annoys you on purpose.

How to Handle Someone Who Annoys You on Purpose?

There are a few different ways to handle someone who purposely annoys you.

  • Try to understand why the person is doing it
  • Confront them and tell them how you feel
  • Ignore the person completely
  • Laugh off the person’s behavior

1. Try to understand why the person is doing it

What is it Called When Someone Annoys You on Purpose

The first step is to understand why the person is doing it.

Once you know what’s driving their behavior, you can start coming up with ways to deal with them that might work better than just getting mad or frustrated.

It’s natural to want to understand why this person is behaving in a way that bothers us, but it’s difficult to do so.

Often, the answer lies in understanding that the person is purposely annoying us.

There are several reasons someone might choose to annoy us on purpose. They may want attention, feel like they need to push our buttons, or simply enjoy seeing our reaction.

Sometimes, they may not even be aware of how their behavior is affecting us.

If we can take a step back and try to understand what might motivate the other person’s behavior, it can help reduce our frustration and allow us to maintain our relationship better.

Maybe they need some attention and this is the only way they know how to get it, in which case you could try talking to them about why their behavior bothers you and see if there’s a way both of you can fix the issue.

Or if it seems like they’re doing it just for fun, maybe ignoring them or giving them a funny response will be enough to make them stop bothering you.

2. Confront them and tell them how you feel

What is it Called When Someone Annoys You on Purpose

Next is to confront them and tell them how you feel. This can be effective if the person is unaware that they are bothering you, but it can also lead to an argument.

Telling someone how you feel can often backfire – especially if the person you’re confronting isn’t very good at handling confrontation themselves.

They might react defensively, or even become angry with you. This could lead to an argument or even a full-blown fight, and nobody wants that!

When trying to confront them, simply let the person know how their behavior affects you.

It might not make them change their ways overnight but at least they’ll be aware of how their actions are impacting you. And hopefully, over time they’ll start changing their behavior.

Confronting someone can be tough but sometimes, it’s necessary – especially if there’s been an incident or event that’s left you feeling upset or angry.

Just remember to stay calm and rational when doing so (and try not to take things too personally), and above all else try not to let things escalate into an argument unnecessarily.

3. Ignore the person completely

What is it Called When Someone Annoys You on Purpose

Another option is to ignore the person completely. This may work if the person isn’t trying very hard to get your attention, but it’s not always possible.

By pretending they don’t exist, we are essentially telling them that their behavior is not acceptable and that it will not bother us anymore.

This often leads to them stopping their annoying behavior because they no longer get the reaction they were looking for.

It’s important to remember that this approach should only be used with relatively harmless people; if the person is causing actual harm, then it’s best to take other measures.

By not giving the person any attention, they will eventually get bored and stop bothering you.

The downside to this approach is that it’s difficult to maintain over a long period, especially if the person continues to bother you even after being ignored.

There are some things to keep in mind when ignoring someone though.

We need to make sure that we aren’t giving the person too much attention by constantly looking at or talking about them.

We also need to avoid reacting in any way when they try to talk or interact with us.

4. Laugh off the person’s behavior

What is it Called When Someone Annoys You on Purpose

Another option is to laugh off the person’s behavior. This can be difficult if the behavior is getting under your skin, but it can be more effective than confrontation or ignoring in the long run.

Trying to stand up to the person and tell them to stop, can often lead to an argument or even a fight, or ignoring the person, which can be hard to do if they’re being loud.

The best solution is to laugh off the person’s attempts at annoying you.

It might seem like they’re getting under your skin, but by laughing it off you’re letting them know that their behavior will not bother you – which will probably make them stop sooner rather than later.

Plus, it’s much more peaceful than trying either of the other two options!

There’s a reason that “laugh it off” is such a popular way to deal with someone who’s annoying us on purpose – it works.

By laughing in the face of their attempts to get under our skin, we’re essentially telling them that their behavior isn’t getting to us.

And since most people want others to like them, seeing that we’re not bothered by their antics will probably stop them from continuing.

Plus, laughter is just plain fun and can help diffuse any tension or awkwardness that might be present.

So, the next time someone bothers you for no good reason, try laughing it off – you may be surprised at how well it works!

No matter what strategy you choose, remember that it’s important to stay calm and respectful when dealing with someone who bothers you on purpose

How to Never Lose Your Temper

Losing your temper can be detrimental to both your personal and professional life. However, there are ways to never lose your temper. The following tips will help you keep your cool in any situation:

Many techniques can help a person never lose their temper.

  • Stay calm and focused when things get heated
  • Take a few deep breaths before responding or reacting angrily
  • Try not to bottle up emotions or stressors
  • Walk away from the situation if possible
  • Avoid triggers whenever possible

1. Stay calm and focused when things get heated

What is it Called When Someone Annoys You on Purpose

Staying calm and focused is the key to never losing your temper. When you’re able to stay in control, you won’t let emotions like anger get the best of you.

This is especially important in difficult or frustrating situations. If you can keep a clear head, you’ll be more likely to find a solution and stay calm.

When there are too many things going on at once, it’s easy to lose focus and start feeling stressed out. This can lead to frustration and anger.

Taking some time for yourself every day can help prevent this from happening.

Relaxing activities like reading, listening to music, or taking a walk can help clear your mind and make it easier for you to stay calm when things get tough.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the moment’s emotion, but try to stay level-headed.

2. Take a few deep breaths before responding or reacting angrily

What is it Called When Someone Annoys You on Purpose

When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, take a few minutes to yourself and focus on your breathing.

Deep breathing has many other benefits as well. It can help improve circulation, calm the mind and body, reduce anxiety and tension headaches, and even promote better sleep quality.

So, next time you feel yourself getting angry or frustrated, take a few deep breaths instead–it just might save the day!

3. Try not to bottle up emotions or stressors

What is it Called When Someone Annoys You on Purpose

When something is bothering you, talk about it with a friend or family member – airing out those feelings can help dissipate them quicker than keeping them bottled up inside.

4. Walk away from the situation if possible

Walking away from the situation is one of the best ways to never lose your temper. When you are in a heated argument, it is important to take a step back and assess the situation.

Are you getting anywhere by yelling? Is this going to solve anything? Most likely, the answer is no.

Walking away will help you clear your head and come back with a more levelheaded approach.

This can ultimately lead to a resolution that everyone can be happy with.

5. Avoid triggers whenever possible

If certain things always set off your temper, try to avoid them as much as possible or have someone else around who can help keep cool heads prevail.

One way to avoid losing your temper is by identifying your triggers. This may take some time and self-reflection, but it is well worth it in the end.

Once you know what sets you off, you can begin taking steps to avoid those situations or remove yourself from them altogether.

For example, if road rage always gets the best of you, try avoiding rush hour traffic altogether or carpooling with someone who remains calm under pressure.


People who annoy you on purpose can turn a good day into a bad day and can also make you lose your temper completely.

We’ve discussed how to handle people who annoy you on purpose and also listed different things you can do to ensure you never lose your temper.

I hope this article helps in managing your anger and taking better decisions during arguments.

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