I Told Him I Like Him And He Said Nothing: Why/What To Do?

He said nothing because he does not feel the same way you feel for him. If he was interested in you just the same way you were interested, he would have given you a really good response. In a situation like this, what do you do? 

I will explain why he did this and what you can do in this article. You should keep reading. After reading this article, you will be able to know what to do if you are in a situation where you told a guy you like him and he said nothing. 

5 Possible Reasons Why He Did Not Say Something After Telling Him You Like Him

  1. He does not feel the same for you
  2. He is unsure of his feelings 
  3. He is married
  4. He has a girlfriend already
  5. He does not want to tell you he does not like you

He does not feel the same for you

I Told Him I Like Him And He Said Nothing

This is one of the commonest reasons why a guy will say nothing when you tell him you like him. It could be that he does not feel the same for you. It is not a bad thing if a guy does not feel the same way for you. 

If he goes blank or does not say anything when you tell him that you like him, you should not feel bad about it, if he does not feel the same way for you, another guy would. Keep calm and do not overthink it, some other guy would like you just the same way you are.

He is unsure of his feelings 

When a guy is unsure about his feelings towards you, he would not know the right way to articulate them to you. That is one reason why he would not say anything when you tell him that you like him. 

He may be having conversations with himself asking if he feels the same way about you.

If he is unsure of his feelings towards you, you will be able to see it in his response, the moment you notice that he is unsure of his feelings, you should give him some time to think things through, and let him be sure of his feelings. 

Let him talk to you about it when he is sure about his feelings towards you. Do not pressure him to reply immediately, he may not give you the response that you would expect. Give him some time. 

He is married

If he is married he will most likely say nothing when you tell him that you like him. It means that you are not able to notice it or see signs that he is married. When a decent man is married he would cut off every flirty woman that comes his way. 

If you see him around kids or you notice that there is a particular woman he talks to frequently, then you should be able to suspect that he is committed to marriage with someone.

Find out if he is married, especially if he purposely did not reply to you when you tell him that you like him.

He has a girlfriend already

If he has a girlfriend, then he will not give you as much attention as you think he would give. He would give his attention to his girlfriend. When you notice that he does not pay attention to you or he says nothing when you tell him that you like him. 

You can go ahead to ask him if he has a girlfriend, this way, you may not need to feel bad if he says nothing after telling him that you like him. Now, you know why he did not give a reply.  

He does not want to tell you he does not like you

This is simple, he does not like you. He may not want to tell you directly that he does not like you, but you should be able to tell from his silence and from the body language that he gives you. 

He may not tell you directly that he does not like you because he does not want to hurt your feelings or he does not want you to feel bad. You should be able to tell from his countenance that he does not like you. 

You should not feel bad about it either, what you should do instead is to be glad that he was able to tell you the truth about how he feels.

Some people would not tell you how they feel about you, and they may waste your time and flirt, but someone who tells you the truth of how he truly feels is way better than someone who wastes your time. 

4 Things To Do When He Says Nothing After Telling Him You Like Him

  1. Ask him why
  2. Tell him you respect his decision
  3. Ask him about his relationship life
  4. Move on if he does not like you back

Ask him why

You would not know until you ask. Also, assumptions will not give you the correct answer that you need. If at some point you notice that you told a guy that you like him and he does not say anything to you. 

Do not ask him why immediately, give him some time, then go ahead to ask him why he said nothing when you told him that you like him. After you ask him why he would be able to tell you the exact reason why he did not reply to you. 

You should be ready to take whatever he tells you, if he tells you that he does not like you back or that he already has someone, then do not feel bad about it. 

Tell him you respect his decision

This is a mature way to handle rejection. Tell him you respect his decision if he said he does not feel the same way toward you. 

When you respect his decision, it means that you recognize whatever decision he makes and that you will not try to push too hard to convince him. 

If you handle the situation this way, he would understand how mature you are and he would like the fact that you respect his decision even though he did not accept you. 

Ask him about his relationship life

This is one thing you need to do after he said nothing after you told him that you like him. You should only ask him about his relationship life if you both are close to the extent that you can talk about his personal life. 

If you both are not so close and you feel he will not be comfortable telling you about his relationship life, then you should not ask him about it either.

When he tells you about his relationship and he is clear that he is in a relationship already, you would know already that was the reason why he said nothing when you told him you liked him. 

Move on if he does not like you back

You should not beat yourself up or feel bad because a guy did not say anything when you told him you like him. He may not like you back. If that is the case, you should accept it and move on with your life. 

If he does not like you back, someone else will like you back.

You should be open to accepting new people into your life and when someone rejects you when you express your feelings towards them, understand that rejection is bound to happen and you should be ready to pick yourself back up and move on. 

How Do You Know If A Guy Is Unsure Of His Feelings 

One way you can tell that a guy is unsure of his feelings is when he is not able to define your relationship and state clearly what the future of your relationship will be. There are several ways you can tell if a guy is unsure of his feelings. 

  1. He finds it difficult to define your relationship
  2. He grows cold sometimes
  3. He does not give you your full attention
  4. He keeps canceling appointments 
  5. He does not tell you much about himself
  6. He gives you a one-word response while texting

He finds it difficult to define your relationship

If the guy finds it difficult to define the relationship, then you should know that he is not sure about his feelings. Most times, women always ask the guys they are with to define the relationship.

 If he is finding it hard to define the relationship, then there is every possibility that he is unsure of his feelings or he probably has someone that he is with at the moment. 

If the guy exhibits any of these signs, then you should know that he is unsure of these feelings. If he has avoided this question a lot and does not answer when you ask, then you should know that he is unsure of his feelings. 

He grows cold sometimes

This is another way you can know that the guy is unsure about his feelings. If at some point you both were close and you text almost every day, then all of a sudden he started growing cold on you. 

When he grows cold on you, you will notice that he will not talk to you as frequently as he used to. He is probably thinking about you and trying to be sure of what would be the future of your relationship. 

You should take note of these signs and when he exhibits them. Better still, if he gets cold on you, call or visit him, then ask him why he went cold on you. 

That way, you will be able to know the exact reason why he went cold on you, you will not have to assume. 

He does not give you your full attention

If he barely gives you divided attention then you know that he is unsure about his feelings. You both could be in a conversation, then something could happen that would take his attention away from you. 

If he does this, you will understand that he is unsure and he is most likely thinking about what would become of you both in the future. 

Someone interested in you will not fail to give you his undivided attention, the moment the person’s attention starts to dwindle, that should be an obvious sign that he is not sure about his feelings for you. If he was, he would focus on you. 

He keeps canceling appointments 

Have you had this one friend that keeps canceling appointments, not because he is busy or because he has an engagement somewhere else, but because he is not sure if he should be with you or not? 

He would cancel his appointment because he could be feeling guilty that he is spending time with you when he ought to be doing something else.

Someone who wants to be with you will always make time for you both to meet. The more he keeps canceling appointments, the more unsure he is about his feelings. 

He does not tell you much about himself

Someone who likes you and has feelings for you will not hide things about himself. You will notice that he will be the one to tell you things about himself even without you asking.

Once he is so secretive and defensive, then you will understand that he is unsure about his feelings for you. 

He gives you a one-word response while texting

Someone who gives you a one-word response while texting is unsure about his feelings for you. He is not sure if he should give you rapt attention or if she should get on with other important things. 

One-word responses show that the other person is not interested in the conversation. 

Final Words

When it comes to telling a guy how you feel about him, you should be open-minded, or you may not always get the reply you think you will get. If the guy responds in a positive way, you would be glad, if he rejects you, other guys will not. 

If after telling the guy that you like him and he said nothing, then it means he is unsure about his feelings. 


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